Truck Died While Driving, Almost Killed Me In Process | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Died While Driving, Almost Killed Me In Process


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
Okay, so I was driving down the street today and everything was going fine when all of a sudden while attempting to make a sharp right corner I realized I had to power steering. In an attempt to stop before flying off the road into a creek I also noticed that I lost power brakes. So I went for a little car wash, nothing major. Actually no damage at all, having a big lifted truck payes off sometimes.
Now we come to my problem, why the hell did my truck just die while I was driving. This is what Im thinkin, the truck turns over just fine and starts up. Then it just putters out after a second, when I turn the key to the ignition on position I do not hear that familiar sound of the fuel pump turning on. Can it be that the fuel put went south on me? And will that cause the truck to completely die while driving down the road? I need to know asap cause this is my sole means of transportation, it did throw a CEL on also. Im going to see if Advanced Auto will do that loan-a-tool thing to me with a code reader.

P.S. This has been a long week for the ol truck, a few days ago while driving through a parking garage on campus I found the one spot that had the clearance improperly marked. Needless to say I lost my safari basket, roof rails, and damaged rear hatch. I did get pictures of that though. Ill post those later.

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Sounds like a fuel pump or FPR problem to me...most likely the pump.

Well I checked the relay and the fuel system fuse in the distribution box under the hood and they werent corroded(sp) or anything, I would assume replacing the fuel pressure regulator would be the next step. And would the FPR cause the fuel pump to not turn on when the ignition is keyed to the power position? I have also read about some sort of inertia switch that may have tripped. Im just trying to cover all possibilities before taking it in to have the pump replaced because I niether have the time or patients to do it myself right now.

If i was you i would test the voltage at the pump harness, just have someone turn the key while you check it with a voltmeter. I used a dc light bulb. lol

Oh, if this means anything, the first couple times I tried to start the truck after it died I did hear the hum of the fuel pump. Then after like the 3rd time and on trying to start I dont hear anything.

this can be several things-

First-notice this-
with key on and engine off-the Check engine light should be on-if it doesn't illuminate every time the key is swtched on, there is a bad connection to the PCM relay-this would cause the engine to die. Also-if the power to the PCM is lost-the fuel pump will not run.

then, there is the fuel pump relay-
it could have a bad connection -or, have an intermittent coil.

Then there is the wiring,

What I would do right now-is connect a voltmeter to the fuel pump harness,right on top of the tank, and repeatedly switch the key on and off-
You will notice the voltage come up for a second or 2, then drop-this is normal. If you see the voltage rise with the key switched on, but do NOT hear the pump-it is indeed a faulty pump.

You can check all of these things quickly, by performing the above step.
You can remove the rear driver side wheel, and have a lot of room to work.

I would almost bet you have a pump going south-however-the symptoms also point to faulty circuitry. Before dropping the tank-it is just good to verify if possible.

lol. cant you sue the place for improper markings?

while attempting to make a sharp right corner I realized I had to power steering. In an attempt to stop before flying off the road into a creek I also noticed that I lost power brakes....the truck turns over just fine and starts up. Then it just putters out after a second, when I turn the key to the ignition on position I do not hear that familiar sound of the fuel pump turning on.

My '99 Sport did the exact same thing when the serpentine belt tensioner pulley seized up and quit. Once you loose the serpentine belt you'll loose your alternator (starting then dying), power steering and power brakes.

I fixed it cheap in my apt. parking lot the next day :thumbsup:

Schmidlkofer- I probably would have gone that route if the university didnt take full responsibility for it, which they did. Odd as that sounds right??? Well Im the second person it has happened to so they didnt even hesitate to take responsibility cause they never fixed the clearance signs.

Hokie- I wish it was a simple fix like that, I really dont need this headache right now. I think my truck is mad at me for driving her into the garage ceiling.

Hokie- I wish it was a simple fix like that, I really dont need this headache right now. I think my truck is mad at me for driving her into the garage ceiling.

Maybe your truck is just mad that its in Morgantown and not Blacksburg ;)

It could be a whole lotta reasons... the first thing to do is to use a scanner and see what code's coming up. It may point you at the EXACT problem.

The next thing I would be looking at are the electrical connectors, specifically the IAC, TPS, and MAF. All of those can easily be an issue.

Fuel problems would be last on the list. If the CEL came on, it already knows what the problem is. Start there.


Seeing as it threw a CEL light on as soon as it happened my obvious first thought was to get the codes scanned, thats where my problem starts. My truck is dead in the driveway and Advanced Auto wont loan out there scanner so I can bring it home real quick. So unless I tow my truck to AA and then tow it back I cant get the codes read.
I went to AA today to buy a voltmeter to check and see if there is power going to the fuel pump when the key is turned. They sold me a continuity meter, now I know abosolutely nothing about electronics but I dont think this is what I need to check it. Mainly because the instructions say to disconnect the battery first, how can I see if power is going to the pump if I dont even have power to begin with.
What exactly do I need to buy, remember Im a complete retard when it comes to electrical stuff and I didnt see anything that was clearly labeled "voltmeter" at AA.
I did however remove to fuel pump relay and check each of the 5 prongs with the circuit checker meter thing I bought, the meter only lit up when a certain 2 of the 5 prongs where connected. Any other combo of prongs didnt yeild any kind of result.
I like I said guys, Im a complete retard when it comes to this kind of stuff so if you guys can put it in stupid terms that would be great, thanks.
