Trying a Recon Winch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trying a Recon Winch


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
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City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
So, after a few times out I have discovered something. The larger your tires, and the more locks in your locker only means you will walk farther "when" you get stuck.
Unless of course you have good recovery equipment. For most of us that means buying a winch
I think there is a great deal out there from what I have read. If you scour for an xterra forum, search for recon and look on page 3 of that thread you will see the internals.
I went to the Ebay ad and called the number, and got through to Amador Santoyo, the sales rep for Recon. It was a very pleasant conversation.

He explained the 3 year warranty, excellent USA customer support, and high quality standards resulting in a updates solenoid pack for the new units. The housing is also waterproofed to a greater degree.

If you do some deeper searching, you will find there is a secret link for an awesome forum only discount. However, you must be a member of that particular forum to get the secret link. You can find the winch on ebay if you search 10500 winch, for around 469.00 shipped if you find the 425.00 plus shipping auction, but get this.
You can add a snatchblock, tree saver, waterproof cover (without pics of install) and 2 D rings for about 50.0 more. Only with the "secret link" which you cannot even find on thier site.

I explained how large our forum was, and he quickly provided me this link. I think I am going for it.

Here ya go guys. Enjoy and discuss! :D

good review thread

Xterra forum member dis assembly showing guts ( post 26)

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Awesome Jon, that's a fantastic price and with synthetic rope! Shipping kick's me out of the basket but I bet there will be plenty of interest in this on here, Thank's mate! Hope no ones just bought a smitty built;):thumbsup:

They should be rated at least 4.7 ton otherwise it'd be pretty dangerous to sell them as an accessory to a 10,500 lb winch. Definitely a question worth asking before making the purchase, just for safety's sake, as rated shackles aren't too pricey.

I wouldn't not buy the winch over it, I would just throw the shackles away and buy rated and american made ones. I am a little paranoid when It comes to things like that though since I'm used to using it over peoples heads and can't take any chances.

I agree for all parts. I get that some winch can be better than none, but if I'm stuck, I want to know my winch will work. I've run a rebulit ramsey and it worked... But it had to be rebuilt. I've had a generic winch on the Jeep, and it overheated in the driveway while respooling the cable. Enough said and bought a Warn M8000 for a lil over 500 bucks. 500 well worth it to me.

Well, I'm going to give this one a go. I wonder how many who suggest buying a warn have even looked at the review of the Recon Winch. Some have had them for years now with no issues.

I wouldn't not buy the winch over it, I would just throw the shackles away and buy rated and american made ones. I am a little paranoid when It comes to things like that though since I'm used to using it over peoples heads and can't take any chances.

Looks like good reviews, and there has been some time for real testing done by off roaders with it. 3 year warranty on new parts is great, but how much are they in say 5 years?

I'm definitely interested in this.

Just some teases



And here is the accessory kit. Neoprene winch cover,snatch block, quick connect (not included) Wired and wireless remotes, D rings, and a tree strap with a little storage case.


Good s*** mate!!!! Look's awesome. Consider me teased:D:thumbsup:

You've perked my interest! Looks good, hopefully it doesn't get too much use :p:

Excellent, I reckon we'll be seeing a fair few of these little beauties getting around here.

Today I ran the power leads and ran the winch a bit to wind it in, let it out and such. The wireless remote works like a charm. Not much to add until I can find hill to pull it on. I thought I would head west-about 3 miles or so on the county line is a pretty hilly area, I bet I can find something.

There's hills in Kansas???? :dunno::shifty_ey:bsnicker: NOT:D

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