Turbochareged 4.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Turbochareged 4.0

Hey everyone, i'll have about 2g to spend on my truck. And I've decided I want it for speed. Now whether to go turbo or not is the question? With 2grand what will give me more power gains? And if I decide not turbo what all parts should I buy?

Thanks for the help

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how mechanicly inclined are u or will u have a shop do the work

and in my opinion speed and explorers dont go 2gether
power mayb, lift mayb but not speed!!!!
good luck!

how mechanicly inclined are u or will u have a shop do the work

and in my opinion speed and explorers dont go 2gether
power mayb, lift mayb but not speed!!!!
good luck!

I dont like you anymore

great responce Justin:troops:

how mechanicly inclined are u or will u have a shop do the work

and in my opinion speed and explorers dont go 2gether
power mayb, lift mayb but not speed!!!!
good luck!

compared to what??

Just because yours is slow, doesn't mean we want ours to be

how mechanicly inclined are u or will u have a shop do the work

and in my opinion speed and explorers dont go 2gether
power mayb, lift mayb but not speed!!!!
good luck!

How long have you been on this board? If the Ex and speed don't go together then you obviously haven't seen Rocket and mine yet!:biggthump

I can stop real fast.

How long have you been on this board? If the Ex and speed don't go together then you obviously haven't seen Rocket and mine yet!:biggthump

James, didn't you get the memo? 11 second ET's in the 1/4 mile is slow now. I thought you knew!!! ;)

James, didn't you get the memo? 11 second ET's in the 1/4 mile is slow now. I thought you knew!!! ;)

I guess I need to stay on the porch..Darned big dogs! I hate 'em.

I guess I need to stay on the porch..Darned big dogs! I hate 'em.

With what you and I talked about I do not think you will be residing on any porch for a length of time. ;)

I was just about to say...I would love to see a bottom-end done up right with a 4.0. I believe it would compete with the big dawgs.

I was just about to say...I would love to see a bottom-end done up right with a 4.0. I believe it would compete with the big dawgs.

I would too! I believe the SOHC-6 would be a good contender. Now the only problem is where can I rent that v-8 sound. Hmmmm?

I would too! I believe the SOHC-6 would be a good contender. Now the only problem is where can I rent that v-8 sound. Hmmmm?

The only way I figure is get a loud and clear stereo; play a V-8 cd?

Now the only problem is where can I rent that v-8 sound. Hmmmm?

I'll make a tape. ;) If any Mustangers ask what the whiney sound is just tell them it is your PS pump gone bad. :thumbsup:

I'll make a tape. ;) If any Mustangers ask what the whiney sound is just tell them it is your PS pump gone bad. :thumbsup:

My Chevy has a bad alternator bearing and it sounds like I have a freakin blower on it.
