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Utah Explorer Trail Runs - Let's get this going



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Fellas I know I've been pushy on the Moab run next year, but I really want all of us to go with the Explorer Forum group. They have fun every year, it'd be my first time down there with the group; probably the same way for most of us. I've been down to Moab once, and its one of the best places as well as its just a 5-7 hour drive.

I'm thinking our first trail run will be on either Inspiration Point or Skyline Drive some time in late July. I'm busy for the first part of the Month. I'm thinking around the 28th of July which is a Saturday. Next trail run will probably be around the 11th of August, which is a Saturday.

Let me know if these days will work for you.

Well since the hulk was down or I was working I couldn't make those but I seriously want to get out. Poor captain America is having some tranny trouble and I gotta put some axle seals in the hulk. Anyway let me know next time your thinking about going and ill try to make it!

hey my name is carson and i was wondering if i could join this utah explorer club, ive been looking for a explorer group in utah since i wheel with jeeps and toyotas all the time ;) is there anyway i could join the group? im doing a d44/ ford 9 swap right now, just finishing up though and would love to go wheeling with you guys!

Hey Carson. I'll be down in Blanding next wednesday and will be wheeling in SE Utah for a little over a week. I'll be back in Blanding a week from tomorrow to meet some folks and do HITR trail. Your welcome to come down and wheel with us. A bit of a drive though for you. About 350 miles down and then another 350 back up north.

I'm thinking our first trail run will be on Inspiration Point.

Nate, Shouldn't you get to know these guys better before you head up to Inspiration Point with them? :dunno: :p:


thanks jack for the offer, but thats a little far of a drive for me, i am a senior in highschool so im looking for the weekend wheeling trips a little closer north wise. im tihnking a 5 mile trip is due during the first weekend in october if anyone is down to go.

hey my name is carson and i was wondering if i could join this utah explorer club, ive been looking for a explorer group in utah since i wheel with jeeps and toyotas all the time ;) is there anyway i could join the group? im doing a d44/ ford 9 swap right now, just finishing up though and would love to go wheeling with you guys!

Of course you can. If I could ever get mine going right id be thrilled. When in October you thinking and where at. Heck where do you live?

Idk anywhere im getting anzy, my truck should be done next tuesday, i just live down in west layton off of gentile

Wow were close, wait do u work out at the golds gym down in syracuse?

Nate, Shouldn't you get to know these guys better before you head up to Inspiration Point with them? :dunno: :p:


Thats the fun here. Its like a blind date, but its really a "blind trail run" as no one knows each other but we all will be wheeling buddies in the end!

hey my name is carson and i was wondering if i could join this utah explorer club, ive been looking for a explorer group in utah since i wheel with jeeps and toyotas all the time ;) is there anyway i could join the group? im doing a d44/ ford 9 swap right now, just finishing up though and would love to go wheeling with you guys!

Welcome aboard! :thumbsup: I'm up in Ogden. Find me on facebook for more up to date trail runs. Thats how we all seem to be communicating.... lol

I saw. Gotta design a logo. Probably will do that tonight or tomorrow
