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v6 ohv

I was thinking about rebuilding my v6 ohv but I was going to up grade. does anyone know where I can get performance:

cams, pistons, roller rockers ,rods
(anything internal)

thanks for your help


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yep the V8's came with a choice of 2wd/AWD :p

Haha don't worry, I assumed exactly the opposite; that he wanted to be a strictly street-machine. Guess he has to chime in to help us out

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Well, in his other thread he was talking about drop spindles for his X.... so.. :p

But yeah, we need somebody to put a 5.0L in their Sport! C'mon. I'll roll mine over and throw my parts in the GFs Sport if thats what it comes down to! :D

section525 said:
But yeah, we need somebody to put a 5.0L in their Sport! C'mon. I'll roll mine over and throw my parts in the GFs Sport if thats what it comes down to! :D
I'm thinking you could leave the :roll: out of it, and then you could throw the V6 into your rig. :)

I'm up for racing too, but there's a $30 minimum

Boomin will find out in a few weeks.....

Well my v6 wont be beating any v8. its slow off the line. 115 stock hp.. frig man. Honda 4 cyl com eout with more power, and they are lighter. If like to hop up my v6 but think it would cost more than its worth. If you do a half ass job then you may add stree to weaker parts and blow them. I figure it will cost me double in the end to mod the v6 up.

you have 160 hp not 115

its not AWD its 4x4 retards theres a diff. hAHAHAHAHAHA an he might hav 115 with the ohv if hes got teh sohc its a diff story

What's not AWD, the ohv? Some of the v6's had "auto4x4" which was similar to an electronic AWD. The only "real AWD's were the V8's.

In stock form the OHV put out 160 hp at the crank, usually 115-120 at the wheels.

01XploderStud said:
its not AWD its 4x4 retards theres a diff. hAHAHAHAHAHA an he might hav 115 with the ohv if hes got teh sohc its a diff story
:thumbsup: to your evident maturity. The 302 is a better engine, auto 4x4 is just like AWD, and who cares what stock vs. stock is. Nobody should be bragging about a stock Explorer's speed.

huskyfan23 said:
:thumbsup: to your evident maturity. The 302 is a better engine, auto 4x4 is just like AWD, and who cares what stock vs. stock is. Nobody should be bragging about a stock Explorer's speed.

Thank you.

I'm interested in the original topic of this thread, before the feud began. Where can one buy the performance internals now that Doug's page ain't what it used to be? FPN seems to have rediculous prices on stock items, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come for my rebuild.

Does a headswelling kit come with the super charger kits? I am surprised you guys that have SC's can get through the door to goto work in the morning.

Man...... :rolleyes:

BTW, my 01 sport could smoke all of you crackers with one cylinder tied behind it's back.


if my brother brings it does any one want a race.

Come up here and I'll race, as long as I get to ride in the Troll afterwards ;)

i think my 98 v8 could beat a 4.0sohc it seems to get from 0-80 faster then my wifes 00 sport with a sohc and she has a kkm intake and exhaust and i only have exhaust
but the sohc is pretty quick

we have rules if you ride in the truck you pay for the gas. my brother does not get off time from work very often so unless you are coming down here it is not likly. also it is my brother only transportation to work so i cant just barrow it to go race some on. the new mustang has the sohc motor in it, and the older sohc explorers run real good with a chip and gears.
