v6 or v8 engine swap, same price, which one is better? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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v6 or v8 engine swap, same price, which one is better?


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July 5, 2006
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'98 xlt 4x4
hello, I'm sure this has been asked before but I didn't find the answer to my questions in the threads I found doing a search.:salute:

I have a 98 4x4 explorer with the 4.0 E engine that has developed head problems.

i found a replacement '98 5.0 v8 engine with only 34k miles on it.

(i don't want to do any mods but just a straight swap. i don't care about hp or offroading i just want to get my work vehicle running smooth again.)

or i found an exact engine match 4.0 v6 but it has 78k miles
same price for each engine.

i would love to use the lower mileage engine but is the lower mileage worht the trouble i may incurr? :(

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You will need--
PCM-wiring harness-pats module, ignition switch and keys-
not to mention the transmission, and transfer case from the v8 truck. I know I am forgetting a few details but you get the idea

so, the v6 is way cheaper

Ditto, that 78k mileage isn't bad.

If you did want the better engine and trans then the 302 is a great choice, but much more work.

hello, I'm sure this has been asked before but I didn't find the answer to my questions in the threads I found doing a search.:salute:

I have a 98 4x4 explorer with the 4.0 E engine that has developed head problems.

i found a replacement '98 5.0 v8 engine with only 34k miles on it.

(i don't want to do any mods but just a straight swap. i don't care about hp or offroading i just want to get my work vehicle running smooth again.)

or i found an exact engine match 4.0 v6 but it has 78k miles
same price for each engine.

i would love to use the lower mileage engine but is the lower mileage worht the trouble i may incurr? :(

Out of curiosity, What is the V-8 selling price? Was it a wreck/rollover? How much do you think you could get the entire drive train for?

Go with the v6. I know the v8 sounds tempting. But its the details that will be rather nuisance-some or Gavin Newsom, I mean Gavin no-sense/nonsensical some! haha I hope u get the pun! Anyways the Devil is in the Details, and With this, it shall be. Your Vehical was setup to run the v6 and with that comes some inheritees that mating up with the v8 just wont offer. Long story short, go with the V6 or just buy a v8 expo.

One other thought, is the V6 a SOHC or the OHV? The issues of the SOHC are enough that I would think hard about changing away from it. If you have the OHV than it's best to stay with it.

If you have the SOHC than I would ask much more about your skill levels with cars and engine swaps, or if you could get help. The V8 is far ahead of the SOHC in terms of troubles. The SOHC has caused a lot of headaches for a lot of people.

One other thought, is the V6 a SOHC or the OHV? The issues of the SOHC are enough that I would think hard about changing away from it. If you have the OHV than it's best to stay with it.

If you have the SOHC than I would ask much more about your skill levels with cars and engine swaps, or if you could get help. The V8 is far ahead of the SOHC in terms of troubles. The SOHC has caused a lot of headaches for a lot of people.


I saw your post in this thread about the SOHC giving everyone headaches. Could you elaborate a little more?

I am in the situation right now where my 2000 Explorer Sport V6 4.0 SOHC Engine needs to be replaced. It has 165k on it and the dealership said there is a lot of sludge in the engine. The timing chains are clanking a lot at any RPM.

Should I get a used 4.0 SOHC or go with something else? I'm looking for the least expensive option. I recently had the upper and lower gaskets replaced, new joints and shocks installed and replaced the wiring harness. I therefore don't want to get rid of this vehicle because of all the money invested. This time I will do the work myself to save money - I have to in this economic climate. No choice!

Any advice is much appreciated.

For costs, I would hunt another SOHC that seems unhurt. If you find that, do the valvetrain upgrades to it before installing it. The parts are not much more than $200, plus the special tools. The trans is likely in need also if it hasn't been done before. You could save some money by doing that as well by getting it bench built(take the trans alone to a trans shop).


I saw your post in this thread about the SOHC giving everyone headaches. Could you elaborate a little more?

I am in the situation right now where my 2000 Explorer Sport V6 4.0 SOHC Engine needs to be replaced. It has 165k on it and the dealership said there is a lot of sludge in the engine. The timing chains are clanking a lot at any RPM.

Should I get a used 4.0 SOHC or go with something else? I'm looking for the least expensive option. I recently had the upper and lower gaskets replaced, new joints and shocks installed and replaced the wiring harness. I therefore don't want to get rid of this vehicle because of all the money invested. This time I will do the work myself to save money - I have to in this economic climate. No choice!

Any advice is much appreciated.

SOHCs have pattern failures on the timing chains. It is a known Ford issue. If you do put in a new SOHC you should replace all the chains and tensioners(rear too). Even that isn't a 100% solution from what I hear, but swapping in a used engine with the stock tensioners is a timebomb.

OHVs are more reliable, but have less power and gas mileage. The trans and xfer case are the same, you would just need a computer and possibly some new wiring.

A v8 will need a new a new 4r70w trans and AWD xfer case and who knows what else.

Tough choice, and a pity you did all that to the failing engine.
