v8 exhaust ONLY....Cant get a straight answer!! | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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v8 exhaust ONLY....Cant get a straight answer!!

those are the exact same ones, there is no welding required for this catback system which is one of the reasons why people enjoy it so much, and the reason there is no write ups on this is probably because it so easy the directions are spot on and there is no confusion anywhere, cut at bend according to directions remove exhaust and install new one in same location using the stock hangers...cant get much easier then that. like i said above the only problem you might run into is rusty bolts on the flange. i would check them before and hit with some wd of pb to losen before removal

So it comes with everything I will need? Perfect. Thanks for the input. I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes....

figure id ask this hear instead of creating a new thread....

So i have the bolt on cat back system from magnaflow. i was thinking of cutting the exhaust after the muffler and removing and the putting on a single in dual out y pipe and 2, 90degree or 180 degree 3 inch pipe coming out before the rear wheels not after. im guessing by removing all the unecessary bends and shorting it up will change the sound and maybe performance? Correct me if im wrong.

figure id ask this hear instead of creating a new thread....

So i have the bolt on cat back system from magnaflow. i was thinking of cutting the exhaust after the muffler and removing and the putting on a single in dual out y pipe and 2, 90degree or 180 degree 3 inch pipe coming out before the rear wheels not after. im guessing by removing all the unecessary bends and shorting it up will change the sound and maybe performance? Correct me if im wrong.

The performance gain will be minimal, but the sound should get a little louder. How much louder? There's only one way to find out:D
