Vacuum hose, I think??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Vacuum hose, I think???


Active Member
January 6, 2006
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2000 XLT
well people im not much of a car person, but i do know little thing about them. anywya let me get to the point, im trying to charge my a/c which i cant even do that maybe someone can help with that or give me a thread link to one anyway i was trying tocharge my a/c and i hear a hissing sound thought omg theres a snake in my car. nah just kiddin i found where it was coming from so i put the tip of my finger on this hose and hissing goes away thing is im not sure where it goes since ive never done much tothis car just got it back in Nov. i have a picture im thinking maybe it goes to the peice that is right in front of it but not sure, if someone can pls let me know i would appreciate the help alot since i dont want my car to mess up because i know little things lead to big things and i sure dont need that since my car is real quiet at the moment rides like if its new. except for the 4x4 not working.

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That looks like the vacuum hose that goes to your FPR (Fuel pressure regulator).. It goes sort of underneat.. and the nippe the hose goes onto is facing the firewall (I think... Its been a little while since I've had that hose off)

You do need to put it back on.. with it off it can cause 2 problems.. One is a vacuum leak, the other is higher fuel pressure (which can be bad)..


lol i need to know where it goes, i dont know where it came out of im guessing the pin right in front of it.if so pls let me know

Its one of two things...

One. line to the FPR.. The FPR is the part right by that hose that has the braided line going to it.. Underneath it is a nipple where a hose goes..

the other posibility is that is is where the line T's. The line comes from the back and then T's off.. One I believe goes to the A/C box (there is a cylinder looking plastic thing by the passenger wiper under the hood that has a line to it).. The other goes over the the Air Filter box (runs the heat riser door)...

I can't see into the dark in the picture you posted.. Look in that dark area to the of the FPR in your pic.. and see if there is another line just sitting there.


No, it's not from the pin right in front of it, that's the fuel pressure test tap; it usually has a cover on it. As Maniak says it's probably for the Fuel Pressure Regulator (FPR). The FPR is the gizmo in your picture with the stainless steel hose on it. Underneath the FPR facing aft is the tube that this goes on.

If the tube already has a hose on it, reply back, there are a couple other location we'll do one at a time.

yeah it already has a hose on it i noticed that one later on in the day after inspecting but nothing, still hanging out there like that

Given the location of that hose, and that there is already a hose on the FPR, that means that hose you see sitting there goes to another hose.

Around that location is a T connector where a single line splits into two and heads to the passenger side of the vehicle.. Somewhere on the passenger side of the engine is a hose that has a male connector that isn't connected..


okay 3 new pics
picture 1. u can tell the first advice given already has a hose connected.

picture 2. thats where the hose is coming from to be exact its the on on the left side where all those hoses are connected.

picture 3. if by "T" you meant that male connector it also has a hose connected onto it.

Thats the "T" I was talking about..

I'll take a look under the hood a lunch today (and try to get a decent camera phone pic) of where your missing hose goes..


sounds good to me. those pictures taken where from a phone im surprised :eek: they came out that good. its the only cam i have to take pics with.

It looks like the hose that ultimately goes to teh back of the Air Box.
From the back of the airbos there are two hoses. Follow them, they snake around a bit but one runs along the Valve cover and hooks into this.

im not sure what it is your talking about. and i have little knowledge about cars let alone where this hose goes to. i think im going to go to a dealer that would still have one sitting around and take a look see if i find anything else. if so i will post it up. and a big thanks to all that are being very helpful at the time.

Look at your picture #3
You see that thicker hose that turns right where you connected the fitting for the AC recharge? follow that one. I think the end of that is what connects to your mystery hose.

I believe the hose that is current hooked to the T is not the stock. Meaning the T is supposed to be hooked to the one that is leaking. I think there is supposed to be one extra port that would have a plug or cap that is on the multi port connection.

Make sense?


It's clearer in the first picture now. The connector you have goes to the outoard hose on the air cleaner (A/CL). That's the box on the passenger side of the car under the hood. There are two hoses, you are showing the outboard one.
Your second picture shows the vacuum manifold. The line that you want is either the front elbow connector or the rear. They go into a plastic wrap and I don't want to tear mine apart to figure which. The wrap goes behind the engine and sends one line to the FPR which you have connected already and the other line goes to the loose connector that goes to the A/CL. It should have a connector with a short tube in it that the other connector plugs into. If not they are available at Autozone.

Peties3 is correct the hose that you have going to the T is not stock, but it will work. Let us know when it's fixed.


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One other idea.
As Peties3 points out, somone has replaced the hose that goes from the vacuum manifold to the vaccum reservoir, your third pic. They may have just let the original hose lay there when they bypassed it instead of pulling it out.

FWIW, this hose isn't shown on the sticker pic because it's not part of the environmental controls. The vaccum reservoir provides the buffer for the in-cabin air recirc damper when you put the air conitioning in MAX A/C.

lol i found where it goes. in fact it was me that took it off, well not noticing i did must have been loose and came off when i replaced my filter couple days ago. it goes to the air filter container as what Tony H i guess was implying by air box. thanks guys now all i need is help with my a/c any links to one that might do some step by step help

and this is my X 92 XLT 118K and is surprisingly quiet. hmmmmmm
