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wanted people to see this


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
thanks to Rick i am now an official vendor! I had an opportunity to purchase a "lot" of mtx stuff as a shop went out of business and decided to take the opportunity and pass on some great prices to you guys. I started a thread in the vendor forum here- <http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=174740> last night, and noticed that it got all of 10 views since- realized that there isn't as much traffic in there as there maybe should be. I know i'm giving 5% back to the site on sales in there, and i'm sure many of the other vendors are also making significant contributions- we should all be shopping in there when possible.

I also figured that once people started seeing that listing/those prices that they might have some questions etc.- and that those questions and my attepts at answering them might best fit in the audio forum.


Man I would have loved to come across this deal on the 9512's about a month ago. I would have given back my RE 2006 x.. 12's....;). I used to have those six mtx 5500 12's in my truck. Mtx is an awesome brand and make great amps and subs. Can't go wrong for the price and sound quality.

I've already sold 7 subs locally at higher prices than these are at- a bit surprised no one has taken advantage
