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washington sas people take my money

Heres the deal i want to do a sas on my 99 explorer soon real soon, ill admit i dont have the knolage or tools to accomplish this. But I will pay someone to do this on my truck. Just tell me what to get and work magic. Everyone has there own price and im not going to say well only for this much. I want this done so SOMEBODY TAKE MY MONEY AND MAKE ME EXPO A BIG ASS EXPO. I wont have this turn into a bidding war anyone who wants to do this the sonner and is serious about doing it., you got it.

:exp: :exp: :exp: :exp: :exp: :exp: :exp: :exp:

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How soon are you looking to do this. I leave May 10th and will be back July 4th. There's that run in late August that we could actually have this done by. I live out in Mount Vernon and myself and 90ranajo have done all our own work and are soon even going to learn how to do gears:D

1st off, what kind of suspension are you looking for, leafs or coils? Do some research on the board and let me know what direction to go with. Look at Jefe's SAS.

I can't really help on this thread, but thought I would say what up to the WA residents...I'm in Issaquah. Good luck with that lift, you're looking at at least 2k just for parts.....OUCH!!!!!

You'll also want to look into what you want for an axle and how much your willing to spend. There are several different options. For intance, you can get one that is already built from currie or dynatrac or you can piece one together from a junkyard.

Do you plan on going full width axles or keep them stock length?
If you plan on stock kength, then I may have an already cut down housing for you, but it's going to need axles, steering knuckles, and everything else.

I also have a spre set of radius arms, but they need caps and bushings.

How much are you willing to spend on suspension?
Jefe used a coil over design and there is also a leaf spring design. In the leaf spring design, the radius arms or coil overs would not be needed.

Give me a call at 360-424-5032 or my cell at 360-333-1919. Lots of planning involved and it is much better to have everything ready to go before you start tearing apart.

Is this your daily driver?

I tried to PM you but your message box sseems to be full.

Diff Whack Daddy does good work....

jimbo74 said:
Diff Whack Daddy does good work....
Just don't let him spot for you :eek: :p

Lots of guys here with a lot of skills (I'm not one of them) :rolleyes:

Money talks

Moose- I see it looks like you have a 99 explorer, if you are concerned about body damage, you don't not want to take it Elbe hills and Evans creek would also be a bit risky.

some of the trails at Evan's Creek are okay, if you're careful.

Diff Whack Daddy said:
1st off, what kind of suspension are you looking for, leafs or coils? Do some research on the board and let me know what direction to go with. Look at Jefe's SAS.

ide like to do a leaf set up but not sure as far as the axles or what not thats why i would want to discuss that and everything i need to do it.

jrgaylor said:
Moose- I see it looks like you have a 99 explorer, if you are concerned about body damage, you don't not want to take it Elbe hills and Evans creek would also be a bit risky.

dents never hurt anyone just shows its used not babied

Basicly what i want is a leaf setup with out haveing to cut the axles or anything. I was thinking of just piecing together from the salvage yard. I was woundering if i could use a jeep axle up frony with the leafs. would this work.

How much $$$ do you have to work with? How hard are you going to wheel it?

jrgaylor said:
How much $$$ do you have to work with? How hard are you going to wheel it?

Im trying not to break the bank here seeing i just sold my bagged mazda b2200 to fund the project, also im not going to wheel it hard, i just want it high and able to do mild wheeling. As far as the wheeling thing im not at all gonna follow you.

Sounds like for what you are wanting to use it for, a Jeep YJ dana 30 would be a good axle to start with. They are the right width and same bolt pattern as your Explorer. They are readily available and fairly inexpensive. A spring over with stock Wagoneer springs would put you at about the right hieght. The reason I say wagoneer springs instead of the wrangler b/c most people have found the wrangler springs to be too soft for out heavy explorers.

Here is a quick list to get you started
1. 87-96 yj d30
2. spring perches
3. wagoneer springs (try junkyards, or ebay)
4. You will need gears for the front and rear. (lockers?? For what you want probably just in the rear)
5. New shocks (Measure after the axle is installed)
6. Extended brake lines
7. Steering box from Gen1 explorer
8. shackles
9. whoever is doing the fab will handle most everything else (ex. steel for crossmembers and hangers, and any reinforcing for the steering box)

Try reading Sections525 sas thread. He has some great ideas and is a good fabricator. (you could get ideas for your mounts and such)

Here is a picture of mine with 4" wagoneer springs and d30

sorry forgot I dont have pictures on this computer. Check my SAS thread (JShexplo96 SAS) there are pics in there.

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