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Wattage Question 2002 Explorer(HID)??

out of the fog lights, high beams , low beams, in a 2002 explorer ONLY... which light system puts out the most wattage? The reason i ask is I currently have 35w hids in my fog lights and low beams and 55w in high beam the high beams dont work on occasion as to i dont have a relay but they usually always work. I was thinking about putting the 55w in the low beams or fogs but am hesitant because i use both of those lights daily. I seen someone running 55w low beam with no relay and he had same situation as me they might not work once and a while. So i figure i will put the 55w wherever has more power so that it has a better chance of turning on every time.this might be a little confusing.

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... the stuff further out is reflected back to you on a straighter line, which is going to add to glare. That is why they don't design fogs to put light far out.

I appreciate Hella for publishing their beam patterns. You can see how the intensity of their fog version of the Micro DE dies off at about 25 meters, and the driving version dies off at about 170 meters. Also the differences in beam width.
Hella said:
Hella Micro DE Fog

Hella Micro DE Driving light

As a side note of interest the Hella Micro DE Fog light is actually a Halogen H3 bulb stock, and the Driving light is a HID Xenon bulb.

HIDs in properly designed emitters, 4300k = the most usable light, properly designed fogs mounted low for the rare occasion you use them. Sums up everything we need to know right?

Yes that is about it.

For what it is worth, I think HID bulbs are a horrible match for automobiles....LED technology, I believe, is the best technology we could have for automotive lighting, if for no other reason than the way an LED produces light and the directionality of an LEDs light.

In terms of reflector design and optical challenges for HIDs those have obviously been worked out pretty well. As for their efficiency there is much lacking. However the technology which HIDs are based off of, arc lamps, has been around much longer than semiconductor technology. Giving it a better footing to stand on for now.

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I think you have sold me on Micro DEs

Haha I swear this thread jacking was not intentional, but all of these posts were both relevant and highly informative. If only the title were more appropriately named so people would find this information easier.

I searched far and wide and the best price I could find for the kit was at Amazon. I actually bought mine individually from Summit Racing though since I only needed the housings and not the kit for an HID conversion. From the reviews and actually holding them in my hand I'd say that when you install them seal the rear up with silicone to prevent corrosion. I won't be able to install them for awhile to review them.

those with a DDM tuning h3 bulb kit would still be the same price as getting the kit off amazon... that is kinda amazing, especially since the projector apparently works fine with the HID bulb..... I wonder if they use the same design for the HID version, and the premium they are charging is just the bulbs, ballasts and wiring.... I might seriously consider doing that when I get around to making my bumper and front end. I don't generally have many issues with fog, but, for my truck to truly be ready for the zombie apocalypse, it should be equipped for everything I have always believed.

those with a DDM tuning h3 bulb kit would still be the same price as getting the kit off amazon... that is kinda amazing

Yeah, that's with an entire DDM kit including a wiring harness.

I wonder if they use the same design for the HID version, and the premium they are charging is just the bulbs, ballasts and wiring.

That's essentially it I think. If you look at the close ups in the links above they appear to have just changed the fluting of the lens for the driving light. The reflector may be shaped a little different.

I have had The Hella DE fogs w/HID H3 bulbs on the Mountaineer for three years or so and really like them. I have the 3000K bulbs. They are good but dont put out the same amount of light as the Catz MSR w/100 Watt bulbs. Because of the great optics I have never been flashed using the fogs even w/100W bulbs.
The Catz optics are amazing and act like a projector without the light loss of a projector. Their MSR fog lamps are designed and marked L. & R. Each side is designed to put the light as far to the side and front as possible.
