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Web page background image question!


Elite Explorer
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February 11, 2001
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Red Bluff, Ca
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1975 Ford Bronco 4x4
I want to make an image the background on a web page. The catch is.. I want it to be 100% of the window's height and width. Basically, I want it to scale itself to the window size (much like a table does). Any ideas?

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could you post which image you want here?

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Mo_Guy.. I want the image called 'bg2.jpg' to be 100% of the main.html frame size.

Thanks for your help!

ok edited this post from last time, i just looked at their coding

<body background="bg2.jpg" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" bgproperties="fixed" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

use that, to get the image right click and choose "set as wallpaper" or "set as background" then once you've done that go to find files from the start menu and search for "Internet Explorer Wallpaper" you can then open that file and edit it's size

then upload it to your server and use the code above

by looking at the size of that part of the frames, it looks as the image should be about 600 pixels high and maybe 400-500 pixels wide

That's kind of my problem. My screen is set on 1280x1024. The left frame is 140 pixels wide. That means I would need that image to be 1140 pixels wide. If it was only 500 pixels wide, it would tile a couple times. Which the boss doesn't want. It seems like there has to be a way for the image to change size with the window. I know you can set the attributes of an img with 100$ for height and width and it will do that. But I can't find anywhere how to make a background image do it! :mad:

from the top of my head i can tell you now that i have never seen any website whose background image would rescale itself by knowing the viewers screen resolution, it's totally impossible to do that as if the site were highly trafficed(sp?) the image size would have to change frequently and it would change for everyone once they refresh the page.....if you look hard enough there may be some type of java script but i cant really help you out any further, its beyond my experience

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Check this out. This is with an image.. (Just resize your window)

ok, so in your body tags, try the same percentage thing

Yeah.. thats about where I got stuck. Nothin I was trying was working. But I changed it so one big image.. so hopefully it'll be okay.

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