Extended radius arms | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Extended radius arms


Well-Known Member
August 24, 2006
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City, State
Newton, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' Sport
Well I got some skyjacker extened radius arms dirt cheap -- BUT they didn't come with the tranny mount cross bar or the rear brackets. (Hence the really really dirt cheap). Any one have some good pictures/specs. I did some searching but didn't find any really good pictures. I found allot on extended radius arms, but not a lot on the rear mounts themselves. I can fabricate some rear mounting brackets, and the cross bar, if I had a better place to start..

I will keep looking, but any help would be appriciated.

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hope this helps.

I'd say buy that part from Skyjacker direct. They have a pretty good customer support and parts call center.


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Thanks for the quick respoinse!!!!

Tbars that's the first post I read--- it's a long one.

D-boy They didn't want to sell themn to me they wanted to sell me the whole kit... but I told them that I was fixing a wreck vehicle so they would sell me the brackets for $450... I was hoping to build them for way less.

would you be able to use extended radius arms with 4" drop brackets?

Thanks Dannyboy/Froader :) That really helps. I'll probably start fabbing Memorial weekend.

Rob, I have 4"-6" drop brackets - (depending on wich set of holes you use) but they "SHOULD" work for both settings.

Well started the brackets today. Borrowed a set from another guy as a pattern. :)
