Weird Dots on Windshield | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Weird Dots on Windshield


November 23, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Mississauga, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Limited

I bought my truck used in Nov. Ever since then more and more dots have been showing up. When the sun shines through it's extremely annoying.

I tried scrubbing the things but they don't come off! Even using my nail and scratchint the dots does nothing...

I'm guessing it's some wax they used that is chipping as rocks/dirt hit it?

Any suggestions? I take pictures through my windshield for work, and I need it to be clean.

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i bet they are all pits in the glass just like mine,, and you only see them in bright sun, ?
i know i am gonna have to replace my windshield soon,
when it is cloudy , or a bit dark they go away right ?
after you have cleaned the outside, slide the palm of your hand across the surface and you will feel them ,
if you do , it is time for a new one, ,

I can only see them from the inside when it's sunny, yes. Upclose they look like white little dots.

I ran my hand over the outside and it feels 100% smooth though....

i priced a windsheild from ace a little while back-$159 installed.

Here in Canada it will probably cost over $500

I've seen something similar to that -- caused by the sparks from an angle grinder. I'm thinking you probably have to get that replaced unfortunately.

I dunno how auto insurance is in Canada but I always carry full glass coverage on mine. My old Blazer had a big chip in the window and I had all those spots too. I gave it a smack @ the chip, helping it along and then called the insurance company. Nothing out of pocket and they came to my house and replaced it.

I have a $300 deductible on my comprehensive coverage.

I really don't wanna make a claim tho....I pay $4000/year now. Don't want to give them any reason to raise it.

Our geico plan has a $50 deductable just for the windsheild on pitting/rock damages.


Call your insurance company!

You WHAT??

Ontario insurance is a joke. I have very average coverage too. If I got full coverage with $0 deductible it would be around $6000/year. Clean record.

People here are so afraid of using their insurance that when we get in an accident we just pay out of our own pockets instead of going to insurance and having our premiums double. :thumbdwn:

Try cleaning it with a razor blade. Hold the blade at about a 45 degree angle and see if any crap comes off. I used to fix copy machines and the blade would take any of those annoying spots the customers used to complain about. If that doesn't work, you're gonna either have to replace it or live with it.

Might try scrubbing it with some Bon-Ami or Barkeeper's Friend cleanser.
Mix with some water to form a paste and scrub with a Scotch-Brite No Scratch Pad.

Bon-Ami/Barkeepers will work if it is removeable. ONLY use them- they're non abrasive. Anythign else like cComet, Soft Scrub, etc- is abrasive and scratch your windshield.
I use it 2-3 times in the summer to clean road grime off. For an '02, most likely they're pitting. All windshields will get them. The Bon Ami will get it as clean as possible before replacement if you need it cleaner.

I've never used a pad though, I've always just spread the Bon Ami and worked it with my hand, since I can feel the imperfections.
Some of the last sentence may turn into a signature line, I'm sure... :D
