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What’s transmission


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December 6, 2023
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2007 Ford Explorer xlt
What transmission other then the 5r55s can I put in my 2007 Ford Explorer I think the tranny on mine is shot an the 5r55s ain’t t that reliable I’m wanting to put something in it that’s gonna be reliable in the long run if I have to pull it which I’m thinking im going to have too I want to just replace it one time with an upgrade tranny that’s more reliable bc this thing has just been a money pit since the tranny started up with one person will tell me it’s not the transmission don’t let anybody tell you that an three other telling me to replace I’m just tired of spending money on parts n labor an not getting no where I just want it fixed before I just part it out

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Manual transmission swap will be less expensive than what it would take to get a more reliable automatic transmission mated to that engine and working.

Manual transmission swap will be less expensive than what it would take to get a more reliable automatic transmission mated to that engine and working.
Ty josh p we might just have to
Do that

Ty josh p we might just have to
Do that
There's write ups on the forum from other members that have completed the swap. If you are 2wd then you have more transmission choices.

I have the 4x4 transmission

I have the 4x4 transmission
M5OD-R1 will be the transmission you want. You can find it from a 4.0 ranger. 2001 and up will be ideal. I see them going for around $300 if you watch for good deals.

Is there a
Clutch pedal avail for an 07 explorer?
