What do dry car with? NO SWIRLS!!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What do dry car with? NO SWIRLS!!!

My friend just got his car touched up and painted and doesn't want to scratch his paint when he dries it......he tried using microfiber towels and he said it put scratches all over the new rear bumper and he stopped.....is there any way to dry it without putting scratch/swirl marks on the paint?

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I once watched a detailer go over my other car... (I had won a free detailing...) and he gave me a good idua that I still use: an air hose!

Especially good for getting the water out that likes to hide around/under trim bits and lenses and whatnot, which can be very annoying if you're going to be waxing...

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I have been using a leaf blower for years..... Wash and blow dry..... that way you are not going to scratch it at all. Something else I have been doing for a while on my show mustang..... When I was it.... All I use is my hand...... pour the soap in your hand and start washing

I agree with the leaf blower idea. It's very effective.

I use a synthetic chamois that a local detailing shop I used to work at uses. It is not one of hydro wipe chamois that come in a cylinder can. Very easy to use, almost like using a real one but last much longer. I have been using the same one for years. By the way IMO by driving down the ride and back to dry your truck and then touching it up with a rag is the worst thing you can do. When you are driving, dust will attach to the water spots and when you wipe it down you are rubing in the dirt.....making scratches Tpm:eek: . I worked at a detailing shop for serveral year and I have seen it. Just my opinion.


Originally posted by Stephen
Tommy, I prefer synthetic chamois also, the real ones are too hard to maintain.

I agree....i am not at all a fan of real chamois

I love my absorber. I used to have the chamios but it dried out too easily. And also it was a pain to wring out. Where as the absorber just dries and wrings so easy. It really has made me able to wash and dry my car without taking forever. With the chamios i would barely ever dry afterwards because it took sooo long.

Mark me down for an absorber

you guys have a link where i can take a look at this absorber and possibly buy one?

I got mine at Wal-Mart. I think Target has them as well as well as some other places that I cant remember right now.

I use an Absorber and California Water Blade. Together they work awesome!

What is this Absorber you all speak of?

I also use the absorber and sheet the water off when I rinse, works great for me

I leave the car wash and get on the interstate doing a good 70-75 mph for about a minute...that seems to do the trick :D
