What else do you drive besides a 1st Gen? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What else do you drive besides a 1st Gen?


Well-Known Member
July 18, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Ford Explorer EB
Are you loyal to all things Ford? What else is in your garage or driveway? I've always been a Ford fanatic. My current stable of cars is a 03 Cobra, 05 Buick Lesabre, 2000 Suzuki Gsxr1000, 2006 Nissan Altima and my 91 X. The Cobra gets driven at least once a month. The Buick is my company car. Altima was bought for my high school age kids who are beginning to drive. The bike is my ride when gas gets expensive. My X is my everyday work truck/ play truck

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Current list..

1992 Ford Explorer
1978 Ford e-250 quadravan (4x4)
2006 Ford Mustang (daily driver)
2000 Honda Civic (daily driver)..

for added trivia bonus.. The lowest mileage vehicle (that we know the mileage on) is the '06 mustang with 230k miles... It only goes up from there :)


Wife's 2007 Kia Rio.

At work whatever is available in the pool: Mazda 3, Kia Forte, Nissan Rogue (weird name for a soccer mom car), Nissan Path/Frontier, Tacoma, Ranger(last model year - what have they done to the Ranger?), Echo... they are just throwing away a pretty good 97 Montero I'm trying to get my paws on.

2006 Saab 9-3

300 srt8

My 92 Explorer XLT
My wifes 02 Explorer XLT

1993 explo daily driver
1989 escort (germany) daily driver

I have also 1985 and 1987 year escort (germany) diesels, stw and 3d.

My DD/play/camp truck is the 1991 Explorer in my signature, my other rig is a mid 90's Chevy 1 ton 4x4 to haul my RV trailer that my family lives in 6 months out of the year.

1993 explorer
1986 chevy silverado 1 ton 4x4
2006 trailblazer (the wifes i despise it)

'94 Explorer - mostly retired. Keeping it around mostly as a spare vehicle,
and so my wife can have 4WD in the snow

'02 Explorer Sport Trac - my daily driver
'96 Aerostar - wife's
'97 Mountaineer - son's
'02 Sable - daughter's

Yeah, I'm a Ford/Mercury guy all the way

I drive my Navajo all over still. The Dart is the wifies car.

91 Navajo -DD
91 Navajo -Spare everything
2013 Dart -DD
02 Cadillac DeVille - Kids car

1982 CB900F SuperSport.

Every "other daily" driver


1992 ford explorer (mine)
1992 ford explorer twin (moms/the work horse)
1990 Nissan 300 zx (mine)
1997 Nissan Altima (girlfriends)
2001 chevy astro (dads/my work van )

Work is one of three rigs...

2006 Super Duty
2001 Expedition
2010 Explorer

Home is...

My 1992 Expo-Sport
The wife's 2011 Mazda 3 Touring Sedan

I've got:

1993 Explorer Limited: Daily
2006 Mustang Saleen S281 S/C: Fun car
2008 Nissan Rogue: Wife's car

I would love to get rid of her Rogue for another Ford :)

I have done quite a bit to my ex in the short time I've owned it (can be seen in my other thread) and I like working on it.. but it makes me want to mod it, and I need mod money for my stang already haha.

Wife's: 2005 Explorer 2WD XLT (shiny)
Mine: 1992 Explorer 2WD XLT (dusty)
Mine too: 1985 Nissan 300ZX 2+2 (shubby)

Mustang in my sig

What else?

Hmm...Does driving people crazy count? :p:

When my kids were little they'd ask where I was going.
Me: "Nuts"
Kids: "Can I go?"
Me: "You're driving."

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Wife: 2003 Ford Focus SE
Daughter/family: 1993 Explorer
Me: 2007 F-150 SC 4x4 or 1997 Escort wagon
Hobby: 1966 Mustang Std. Coupe
Work: 2005 Arctic Cat 400 4x4 ATV
