What paint to use on Suspension parts? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What paint to use on Suspension parts?

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Black one??? ;)

Seriously I'd say Wal Mart spray cans cause, whatever you use, it's not gonna last long and you'll have to do it again in pretty soon...

I use spray paint. My front axle is now a cream color. Before that it was black. I have no idea what color it will be next. Whatever color I get I guess. :D Its always going to change.

i use motor paint because it stands up to heat,disolvents and oils etc....

POWDER COAT' EM. That is the toughest paint to put on and it will probably never come off. Simple as that, it will cost about $40 per leaf set up. This way your part last for ever and if it ever ends up in a yard 20 years from now someone can take some soap and water and it will look like new again

Ever try Rustoleum Statin Black?
I stopped using spray cans cause the paint doesn' last. I use it out of the can. I thin it down and brush it on. Striaght out of the can is too thick and is harder to "pull" the paint. A few different size brushes help.
It may seem messy but I take my time and roll around on the creeper with my coveralls.

I use Krylon high temp coating that you use on charcoal grilles. It doesnt spatter all over your hands like regular Krylon, and you dont have to sit and shake it for a long time, and it dont clog up. It looks like it will be gloss black when it goes on but it dries to a matte black.
