What photoshop tutorials would you like to see? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What photoshop tutorials would you like to see?


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Elite Explorer
January 28, 2000
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Huntington Beach, CA
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1991 Eddie
Post up what tutorials you want to see and I'll update this first post with a list. Then I'll get to them as I can.

If anyone else wants to make a tutorial, please do and I'll make them stickies for the forum. I know a few people have PS skillz.

  • Resize pic to avatar size. (done)
  • Object color change. (done)
  • Layers (done)
  • Tools. (done)
  • Add/Subtract objects from pics. (done)
  • Move objects.
  • Lower a vehicle. (done)
  • Lift a vehicle. (done)
  • Adding wheels. (done)
  • Custom tube work. (done)
  • Desaturate parts of a photo. (done)

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I would just like to see some basic functions. I have photoshop but dont use it much because i only know how to do a very few things.

like how and where to start! I get lost after it loads!!!!! then go back to cheesy program. I need to start using PS, as I have both 7.0 and whatever the heck the newer version is called + my way cool tablet. What time does class start?????

I agree with Zukman lol

I couldnt tell you what the basics are....I just play around everynow and then and have no clue what im doing

I think it may be a good one on how layers work, ect, and perhaps a brief explanation (not in detail) but a brief explanation on what the tools on the tool bar on the side do.

How to add things to the picture, layers, moving objects....

Oh yeah everything in the first post would be awesome

I don't know, it just seems like more fun when someone else does it... it's the anticipation.

Microphotoshopimpology (how to make really
avatars) :p:

Maybe do one on the most commonly requested photoshops? (Bigger tires, change wheels, lift/lower, etc...)

How to add things to the picture, layers, moving objects....

Yo J,

Give me an example of what kind of things you want to move. It's as easy as selecting it and moving it, but I know you want it to look good too. Get me a pic and what you want moved and I'll use that for the tutorial.

Does this mean the ps request is out? Or can lazy folk(me) still request it?

So the "pimp" avatars (like mine ;)) is just the 'Adding an object' and 'Resizing a pic to avatar size' tutorials put together.

Donner, request away. This is just for people to learn how to do things if they want, which was requested. :)

Humm i might have to possibly make myself a "pimp" avatar tomm trying this out.

Thanks Colin this is some good stuff.

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Yo J,

Give me an example of what kind of things you want to move. It's as easy as selecting it and moving it, but I know you want it to look good too. Get me a pic and what you want moved and I'll use that for the tutorial.

O i didn't need anything moved i was just thinking some people might want to.
