What pump (device) to suck out fluid | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What pump (device) to suck out fluid


Well-Known Member
March 3, 2009
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Omaha, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Explorer Sport
I want to find something (like a pump) to be able to

1) suck out the transfer case fluid
2) suck out the transmission fluid

i just replaced the transmission filter and fluid but there was enough fluid left in the system that its color is still, well, 'used'. Yeah i can drop the pan again, but... I think the pump would be handy for all kinds of other things too.

So -- what works?

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You can get one of these and run the line thru the dipstick hole into the tranny and pump the fluid out.


Let the trans pump the fluid out the cooler lines while you add new through the filler tube. It's a well documented procedure on here. Search.

The transfercase will have a drain plug. Remove it, fluid drains out. I recommend a pump like Ben posted above to refill the transfercase.

Let the trans pump the fluid out the cooler lines while you add new through the filler tube. It's a well documented procedure on here. Search.

The transfercase will have a drain plug. Remove it, fluid drains out. I recommend a pump like Ben posted above to refill the transfercase.

Sounds great, thanks!

Just remember that if your tranny hasn't had a flush in quite a while and you do the method described above, you can easily cause a clog from all the accumulated gunk from the fluid's natural detergent properties.


Sorry I had too!

I have that shipopn pump pictured above, it fails to suck heavy fluids like gear lube, oay for ATF, oil, and fuel


Boy i needed this laugh at the end of a long day... thanks 410!! and thanks everyone else who responded.

The transmission pan, actually, looked really good on the inside. no significant sludge, just some on the magnet... its just the fluid color that i don't care for...

Transfer case does not have a drain plug, just a fill plug, found this little fact recently. I bought a pump similar to the one above, but mine is mounted to a oil can so it catches all the old crud and you dont spill it anywhere.
Picked it up at Northern for about $35.

transfer cases have a DRAIN and a FILL plug look behind your shift motor

That sucks, did not think to look there, but now I will be able to flush the case out!


I got me the exact same pump as pictured in Blee1099's post.

(Yeah, i have the 410's pump for backup but it wasn't needed )

This pump, despite its "plastic-y" appearance, works really well. And even though I drained the transfer case through its DRAIN plug, pumping new fluid in was a breeze. Beats trying to rig up a funnel with a hose or whatever.

Believe it or not, 1 qt of mercon = 4..5 pumps with this thing.

Love it.
