Wheel Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel Question


May 24, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Martinsburg, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
Hey all, got a question for ya. Yesterday, boredom hit and i took and ride through the Ford dealership in the X and saw a set of wheel on a 2010 ranger i liked and would look kinda stock but not out of place on a X, but my question is, if i could get my hands on a set would they fit?

heres a pic of the wheels:

heres my X (little muddy, did some trail riding):

on edit: im asking if the lug pattern is the same and offset is similar

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Unless ford changed the bolt pattern on their axles, these wheels should fit. The rangers have pretty much stayed the same in design since 93.

The 5 spoke 'sawblade' first gen explorer wheels were optional on the ranger with the STX package in 91-94, and I think the new trucks have the same 8.8 rear axle that they had back then. Obviously the front pattern will match the rear. The first gen explorer's bolt pattern as well as every other Ford light truck pattern of the time, is 4.5"x5. This pattern goes back to the 60s. Find out if the new trucks use a metric pattern which i doubt, or retain the old pattern.

Most likely the backspacing is the same or close enough to work. I see no reason why they won't fit. You might want to go to the showroom with a tape measure to be sure.

This is a 93 STX, the other is a 92 on the bottom.


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thanks for the info! ill prob take a drive to the lot tomorrow, i think those wheels would look pretty sharp on the X. They may even look good powder coated black!:)

The one thing that could be a problem is the center hole.

Thats true, good thought whitaker. The front hub may not fit the center hole of the wheel. That is if there is any hole at all behind the center cap of the new wheels.

nothing a little precision machining with a die grinder couldnt fix...

What's the bolt pattern? I'm thinking of getting some rims on mine, but would like to know the exact size. Right now I'm riding on the stock saw blade looking ones.

5x4.5, it was said above

Ooh my bad. Thanks. Sorry, not used to such a small number. I came from the Subaru community so I'm used to wheels in the range of 5x110 and 5x114. But thanks man.

EDIT! It's not 5x4.5. Knew that wasn't right. Bolt pattern is 5x114.3. Thank you for not helping.

5 x 114.3mm for anyone who cares about metric.

Ooh my bad. Thanks. Sorry, not used to such a small number. I came from the Subaru community so I'm used to wheels in the range of 5x110 and 5x114. But thanks man.

EDIT! It's not 5x4.5. Knew that wasn't right. Bolt pattern is 5x114.3. Thank you for not helping.

The bolt pattern is 5x4.5" He wasn't talking metric. Being an ass will not get you far.

These vehicles were desinged in and built in the United States, using parts desinged in the early 80s. They used the inch measurment in that time period.

He may be correct about the 2010 Ranger as Ford may have changed the system they use, but the first generation Explorer uses the SAE measure of 5 x 4.5 inches. I stated in my post that the newer wheels could be metric but it is doubtful.

Your Suburu, obviously not designed in the U.S., will have a metric bolt pattern, as well as every other import vehicle.

My apologies. I didn't mean to sound like an ass. Sorry for being offensive. To be honest though, I've thought they all ran on metrics. It's what I grew up on. Even when it comes to tools. I know the sizes of bolts and everything by the metric system, but if you ask me in inches, I'm lost. So yeah, sorry for being disrespectful. Anyway, thank you for informing about the non-metric size.

No offence taken. I cut my teeth on 20s through 60s technology (my dad's old cars). Back then it was all inches. Then when I worked on Forklifts, they were all metric. Caterpillar forklifts are Mitsubishis painted yellow and thats it. Japanese design = metric.

The 80s really was carry over from the 60s. It really wasn't until the 90s that "american" cars started to use metric across the board. Even then our early Explorers are about a 60/40 mix of standard and metric fasteners.

You can only know what you experience.

Thanks for the help guys, ill prob look into these wheels after the X is back together, currently in process of clutch replacement... Fun looks like ill be going back and forthto college in the ol standby a chevy beretta :(

i tried fitting wheels on my x off of a 02 ranger. they might have fit, but the guy who owns the truck came out of the store before i could get the jack under it....

Oh that sucks...
