Wheel Specs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel Specs?


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December 26, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Sport Trac Adrenalin
Hi everyone. I had a couple of questions,

I'm trying to lock in the tires/rims I want. I was planning on keeping the Adrenalin rims that came with the truck and putting some 265/75r16's. But I might snag some 15x8 Sidebiters, if they'll fit. (probably end up putting some 32s on)

1. Does anybody know the wheel specs for a stock 2005 ST Adrenalin? I know they're 16x7's but I was wondering about the offset and backspacing?

2. Will the 15x8's clear the front/rear calipers?
3.31 Backspacing
-30mm offset
(They're MT Sidebiters if it helps)

Any help is appreciated!

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This is the wheel spec I have for my 03' Not sure if the adrenalin wheels are the same, but probably.

Stock Rim Specs
5 x 114.3mm (4.5") Lug Pattern
12mm Offset
70.6mm Hub Bore
44mm Backspacing

Stock Tire Specs
2001 (Job 1) 235/75-15
2001-05 (Job 2) 3:73 = 235/70-16 or 4:10 = 255/70-16

Yes, 15s will clear the calipers, just put a set of 15x8 on mine. I ran 265/70r16s on my stock wheels and the only rubbing I had was a little on the front sway bar at full lock.

Be careful, it is super rare to find any 15" wheel that clears the front brakes of a 2001 or newer Explorer Sport or Sport Trac. I've got those bigger rotors on my 99 and among five OEM Ford 15" wheels, only one barely went on(and it rubbed). I only needed one to park it and take the OEM 16's off to go mount tires(truck was undrivable being rebuilt).

That almost 12" rotor is an easy fit inside of any 16" or larger wheel, but a 15" wheel will be very close to rubbing. You have to test fit aftermarket wheels when it's that close.

I think the one 15" Ford wheel that I used was a steel spare. So it looks like steel 15's will have a better chance of working, than an aluminum wheel.

2001 Sport Tracs actually came equipped with 15's from the factory. 2001 Specs
