Who let the Riff-Raff in? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who let the Riff-Raff in?

Hello all, I`m here to support the site!

I am Jim (James) Robertson from Coquitlam, BC Canada

My Explorer is a 93 4-door XL coming stock with manual everything.

my mods include:

-Cone air filter
-Wire mesh grille
-Front and rear tow hooks
-2"suspension lift
-Rear Detroit (full) softlocker & 4.10 gears
-Front Detroit E-Z locker
-2" Body lift
-Remounted bumpers
-Warrior shackles
-Warrior shock mount skidplates with mount removed
-Modified rear shock mounts
-Removed rear sway bar
-Quick disonnect at front sway bar
-1.5" wheel spacers
-Modified Emergency brake cable extension
-Custom cat-back exhaust
-removed tupperware & Hippoliner on rockers (like herculiner)
-Dual batteries
-trimmed fenders
-33" BFG mud terrain tires
-Home made rear antenna mount
-Cheap Saddleman fender flares
-Old Man Emu rear springs (OME-36)

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Some fovorite pics!


  • doctor point (6).jpg
    doctor point (6).jpg
    38 KB · Views: 2,681

Congrats on finally making it in!!


Nice truck

I love the color


Flattery at its best.

My boy and The station wagon on Vancouver island.


  • down boston 03 2.jpg
    down boston 03 2.jpg
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Little mountain climbing on the road to Sunrise lake @ Harrison


  • harison camping 27 may03 (36).jpg
    harison camping 27 may03 (36).jpg
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Spitting in Old Man Winter`s face at Stave lake.


  • stave apr03.jpg
    stave apr03.jpg
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Thanks guys,

PS, my mod thread in my sig is chock full of write-ups and pics of all my mods and how they were done.

If you saw it before it was hard to navigate because of the sheer size of it, but Not too long ago I added a Table Of Contents, so anyone can find a certain write-up easier!

Wow, they are just letting anyone be elite aren't they?

You need to change your avitar up.. it doesn't do your truck justice. :cool:

Looks amazing!

:) thanks!

here`s a couple fave pics from Moab!
Awesome place that is!


  • Moab2.JPG
    56.4 KB · Views: 784

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