Who's got a lifted golf cart?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who's got a lifted golf cart??


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February 16, 2001
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91 4 do'
Anybody? These things are getting crazy here in the Phoenix area. It seems everyone wants them to take to the dunes. I'm probably going to buy a couple for promo reasons and fun.

Anyone know if the EZ Go's are really any better than the Yamaha's? A EZ GO salesman said that replacement parts for Yamaha's are as easy to find as that of a studabaker, and EZ GO are like a chevy.

I'll probably be showing up to the overnight runs with a new toy!!!

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I've seen all kinds at shows. Lowered ones, lifted ones, ones with air cylinders, ones with 24s, etc. It's a pretty cool hobby. The big issue with lifting one is they become pretty tippy if you lift it too much. If you fabbed wider axles for them, it should work better.

I have a yamaha and I know that the front end it much much much stronger than our old ez-go. We broke the leafs on the front 5 different times making the cart VERY hard to control cause the axle was moving forward and back. The yamaha an IFS that from my personal experience is strong as heck. I really want to get mine to flex better though, it only have about 3-4 inches of travel.

I have no idea what we paid, I think it was about 1000 with the trade in from the old cart. Whatever you do, do NOT get electric, we had in on our EZ-Go and it was nothing but headaches. We have a gas yamaha now and that thing screams. You got me looking at lifts as well (thanks a lot, filling my head with ideas), and they are pretty low, I even found one that replaces the entire front end on a yamaha rather than giving you drop brackets....it is the one that looked the best to me.

I dont have one but my friend who owns a few resturants and is singel and has way to much fun for a 40 year old has a golf car with a ninja engine in it, dual exhaust, jockey shift, and a small cd player and 2 speakers. It was clocked on a track at 130 mph. Saw the video, dont have it but I can try to get it. It is just scary to drive and even scarier when you are the passenger!

Any of you guys see shaq's golf cart? the thing is pretty funny. its like the tiger woods golf cart or something...saw it on cribs and it was dayum hillarious

I thought you guys were kidding!!:D
I didn't even know there were such things as lifted golf carts.

There is a pretty sweet lifted golf cart that is used as a support vehicle for one of the competitive rock crawling teams. It looked like it had 1/4 elliptical springs front and rear with probably 16"-18" knobby tires.

I think it would be pretty easy to do with a few fabrication skills and some junk/donor springs.

What about Club Car carts? Any online boards to discuss lift kits?

And this thread is useless without pics!:D

heres a pic...



I forget the name of the place but theres some island off the coast of Central America where that's all they drive. no cars, just lifted golf carts, cools one too with fog light bars on the roof and mini-brushgaurds. Theres really no need for cars, cause the place is relatively small and none of the roads are paved.
A few of my friends went there and had to rent one. They said it was fun as hell; no driving laws or anything.
The drove it on the beach and tried seeing how far out they could drive during low tide; they flooded the engine and had to push it out and let it dry off lol.

There is a place in Atlanta that is like that, it is called Peachtree City, there are a ton of golf carts there.

Now you guys got me interested... Where can i get a golf cart and build one of these???

I work at a golf course and I bought a ClubCar from my boss for $50 but it had no engine. So I bought a snowmobile engine, and put the front suspension of a lt230 quad on it, and it takes it like no other. I think overall i spent about $700 on it and did all of the custom fabrication myself. Its fun.

This one was at Fun Ford last year!


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