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Why did Ford do this???

im having the same problems, and i figyred that theyd use several items on a single fuse, so i think ill just unhook the power supply to it

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theres a thing that is leagal in oregon..when the car is towed the Odo shuts off and wont read anymore..so that way u only track the miles the car makes itself

that was on my car when it was givin to me

i was just wondering does the odomiter move backwards in reverse like our old volvo does

This is all intresting to find out, if I knew my truck wasn't a lease vehicle I'd wonder if my miles really WERE that low...

on a lot of vehicles when you mess with the actual odemeter the numbers separate from each other a little bit.

Originally posted by 00XLS
This is all intresting to find out, if I knew my truck wasn't a lease vehicle I'd wonder if my miles really WERE that low...

there is a higher probability of odometer tampering on leased vehicles. ;)


Sounds Like FOURXFRED has been renting Fords and helping himself to some extra unpaid miles. : );)

Originally posted by chris c
there is a higher probability of odometer tampering on leased vehicles. ;)
I figured as much but this was corp. lease so I don't think it matters as much to them.

2004 Explorer:

Pulled 15:
What it does: Rear Wiper Module, Cluster
Result: Stopped rear wiper from working, also cut of the Odometer/temp digital display for about 30 seconds. Start driving it comes on within that 30 seconds. Then starts to record miles once on.

Pulled 21:
What it does: Instrument Cluster, Compass, Flasher Coil
Result: The whole instument cluster is out, that means no gauges what so ever, plus the safety aspect of the flashers also being out, only light on the cluster that works is the high beam light. But no miles are reported.

Pulled 22:
What it does: ABS, IVD Controller
Result: This is for ABS, did nothing for the odometer on the 2004.

after playing with these a bit the service engine light did come on, easy reset by pulling the battery cable and reseting the computer. Note you lose everything like radio stations programed in and your trip miles.

Hope this help people here with newer Explorers. Oh, and I do not suggest doing this as it is highly illegal and my Uncle who works at Ford says that the car keeps track of the miles in the computer...makes sense but when was the last time they scanned the computer to see if the miles matched up...never in all the cars I have owned and turned in...and once the car is out of your hands then who knows who deactivated the miles...could of been the next guy, or the dealer...LOL Beats paying $2,000 to some shaddy shop to wire a switch in....lol

Actually, I COULD (but won't) wire the switch for less than $10 with radio shack parts to kill my speedometer / odometer.

I'm kinda curious on the computer keeping the vehicle mileage. What kind of scan tool would you need to get this reading? What do they do when you have to install a replacement computer due to the OEM computer failing?

the computer does not keep milage and even if it did you could say that you swapped in a junkyard one in when yours went bad

How did your explorer shift with fuse 21 out? Anything you noticed

Cost me $6.96 in parts today...lol
Switch, Wire, Fuse Holder and some Fuses.

As for the shifting with Fuse 21 being out it was like normal, car ran just fine, stopped, turned and seemed to be okay.

Like I said even if the car somewhere recorded the miles out of sight, who will scan and get those? There would be no reason for a dealer to, unless he thinks fraud has been commited..and really the dealer does not want to mess with that...he rather sale the car...besides I plant o keep my car anyways, I'm doing this for fun.

When I have all these parts together and in I will take some pictures...I am also looking for a wiring diagram for the Explorer 2002-2004...I rather down the road find a wire to splice into just for the Instrument Cluster so the turn signals at least work...I can live without a gas gauge and for the Speed I can hook my GPS up...might get the Uniden GPS Radar, I think it reports miles travelled too...which will be fine for knowing when to fill her up...hehehe

Well I have the switch hooked up on a temp bases right now but it works great. As long as you cut the Instrument Cluster while driving and turn it back on before turning the car off then you do not get a service engine light.

The O'D Button works, but will not show ont he display as on, same with $-wheel drive. Also the rear defroster light does not come on but I am thinking it works still (have not been able to test yet).

Here are the parts number at Radio shack:

Pkg. of 4: 5-amp 270-1011 $1.49
Pkg. of 3: 5-amp Automotive 270-1091 $.97
SPST Rocker Switch 275-693 $2.69
Automotive In-Line Fuse Holder 270-1281 $1.99
And some Wire, I got 5 feet of speaker wire the fine stuff as radio shack had no wire so this was bought at the Hardware store. I also used normal electronic wire which was thicker and worked to hook to the fuse better.

You will want the Automotive Fuses 270-1091 to change the one that comes with the car as they are a slightly differant color and you do not want Ford to know you ever changed that fuse. Just a safety percaution and cost me $.97 although the package said $1.59.

Later on I will show a picture of what I put together.

