Why no list of what is fixed???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why no list of what is fixed????

broken strut

Well-Known Member
June 9, 2012
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2013 White Sport
How come they don't list what the new upgrades are addressing. They listed all the upgrades for 3.0. on SMR. It would be nice if they would let us know what they were improving/adding. Then we could confirm it. Beneficial for both I would think.

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How come they don't list what the new upgrades are addressing. They listed all the upgrades for 3.0. on SMR. It would be nice if they would let us know what they were improving/adding. Then we could confirm it. Beneficial for both I would think.

I agree with that, it would be beneficial.

No answers from IVT?

Ford SYNC Sypport Transcript

I removed the agent name, but originally I asked him to tell me what the update is all about.

For starters, he ends up telling me there is no update available. I gave him my VIN.

I am lost. I will be calling the IVT support team, hopefully they will have someone on duty that knows what is going on

you: When i click "Whats included in this update i get this
you: DA5T-14D544-AH Version Gen2 - V3.2.2 The installation of this update will take up to 60 minutes to complete. DO NOT turn off your vehicle. You must wait until you see a message, "Installation complete". When "Installation Complete" displays on the center screen, touch "OK". While the update is loading, SYNC® will not recognize your mobile phone or media device. Be sure your vehicle engine is running (not in accessory mode) throughout the entire installation process. Although your vehicle must be in park when you initiate the installation process, once the download process has begun, you may drive your vehicle.
you: Does not tell me much about whats included
Agent Name Removed: Gen2 - V3.2.2 is a software update to fix various SYNC issues.
you: Where can I see what it fixes ?
Agent Name Removed: Is your vehicle a My Ford Touch vehicle?
you: Yes it is
Agent Name Removed: My Ford Touch vehicles cannot access this update, have an open Field Service Action (FSA) on their vehicle.
Agent Name Removed: This update will be for non My Ford Touch vehicles.
you: Then why is SyncMyRide.com telling me I have an update ?
Agent Name Removed: We removed the MyFord Touch...
you: Sorry, that does not make any sense.
you: The website is telling me there is an update for my Vehicle ?
you: from my account, logged onto www.syncmyride.com
you: User-Installed Updates Important Notifications: Action Item: SYNC Update Available: Our records show your vehicle is eligible for an update. View your SYNC Update History
Agent Name Removed: There is none for My Ford Touch vehicles, they have been removed. Unfortunately I can't provide more information than that.

How come they don't list what the new upgrades are addressing. They listed all the upgrades for 3.0. on SMR. It would be nice if they would let us know what they were improving/adding. Then we could confirm it. Beneficial for both I would think.

Hi, broken strut!

This update added the Outside Air Temp back to the main MFT screen.

I removed the agent name, but originally I asked him to tell me what the update is all about.

For starters, he ends up telling me there is no update available. I gave him my VIN.

I am lost. I will be calling the IVT support team, hopefully they will have someone on duty that knows what is going on

you: When i click "Whats included in this update i get this
you: DA5T-14D544-AH Version Gen2 - V3.2.2 The installation of this update will take up to 60 minutes to complete. DO NOT turn off your vehicle. You must wait until you see a message, "Installation complete". When "Installation Complete" displays on the center screen, touch "OK". While the update is loading, SYNC® will not recognize your mobile phone or media device. Be sure your vehicle engine is running (not in accessory mode) throughout the entire installation process. Although your vehicle must be in park when you initiate the installation process, once the download process has begun, you may drive your vehicle.
you: Does not tell me much about whats included
you: Where can I see what it fixes ?
Agent Name Removed: Is your vehicle a My Ford Touch vehicle?
you: Yes it is

you: Then why is SyncMyRide.com telling me I have an update ?

you: Sorry, that does not make any sense.
you: The website is telling me there is an update for my Vehicle ?
you: from my account, logged onto www.syncmyride.com
you: User-Installed Updates Important Notifications: Action Item: SYNC Update Available: Our records show your vehicle is eligible for an update. View your SYNC Update History

Hey, Saffer!

Like I stated above, this brings back the Outside Air Temp. I'd like to clear a few things up for you though. Some customers will not be able to download the update from SYNCMyRide if they haven't had the Cooling Fan Strategy FSA completed on their Explorer. Based off of your wording, you do not fall into this category and will be able to download and install the update yourself. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Seems like an awful large file just to update the temp..... I'm no computer genius though. My system has been acting strange since I updated. Mostly the radio and USB. It will switch on it's own. Crazy stuff.

Hi, broken strut!

This update added the Outside Air Temp back to the main MFT screen.

Hey, Saffer!

Like I stated above, this brings back the Outside Air Temp. I'd like to clear a few things up for you though. Some customers will not be able to download the update from SYNCMyRide if they haven't had the Cooling Fan Strategy FSA completed on their Explorer. Based off of your wording, you do not fall into this category and will be able to download and install the update yourself. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for the response Rebecca.

From my VIN# the agent should have been able to tell that the Cooling Fan Strategy (just love that term) has been applied (I got the dreaded over temp warning and the Explorer happily (me, not so much) spent two days at the dealer to get the fans replaced.

I was just frustrated that the site listed me as being due for the upgrade yet the agent gave me the wrong info.

I have since installed the "update" but now have other issues. When I try and access my BT Stereo source from the radio, it scrolls back to the first page with AM/FM etc. before I can select the source....:fire: Here is a post related to this issue with more details http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3047618&postcount=146

My phone is not showing as connected unless I am on the Yellow phone quadrant, the right hand side of the dashboard does not show all the entrainment sources without me fiddling with the right steering wheel navigation buttons to force it to refresh, there is blank entry that can be selected (I Get AM/FM, Sirius, CD and then a blank line. One day i clicked the center button while on the blank line and the system went bezerk)

I did a system reset to see if that would fix the problem, but to no avail.

Why is it that when an update is published it breaks everything else, frustrating to say the least.

If this fix was just to move the temp to the center console, I could have lived without it. Why did I have to spend 45 minutes idling my car on hot day when gas is over $5 per gallon.....Really, this is ridiculous.
