wierd remote start/fob problem... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wierd remote start/fob problem...


New Member
March 4, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 explorer
I am having the strangest things happen and thought someone here could help me out...

I have a 2007 explorer ironman with a dealer installed ford remote start (6 button remote)

about a week ago I noticed that when I press the lock button on my FOb, I hear the doors lock (not just a relay click, much louder than that) but my doors do not actually lock (the little lock on the top of the door panel doesn't move). if i open door, alarm goes off (its armed) and I can lock all doors using button on drivers and passenger side doors. unlocking works as normal from the FOB.
remote star and tailgate open works as they should..

now here is where it gets really wierd:
my dad has a 2007 as well (XLT) with the same type of system installed. HIS fob will unlock and START MY CAR!!! if my car is running from remote start, his FOB will turn off my car. my FOB will do nothing on his car....

anyone have any ideas on this??

thanks in advance for help!!!!

it has been CRAZY cold here in chicago lately so that might have something to do?

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is it possible that he might have one of your remotes??

no, he doesn't have my remote. his functions 100% as it should for HIS car. thought about that, but ruled it out..

thanks for your help!

When you lock the doors with the key fob do any of the doors lock? Are you sure the noise you hear that you think is the doors locking the actual solenoids and not something else? (i know odd question but I have to ask).

when I lock on the FOB, nothing physically locks. I have used a stethoscope to determine that on lock, I am getting click from the codealarm box AS WELL as from the relay in cabin fuse block....

then I use my door mounted lock button, everything locks as it should and I get a click from under dash fuse block...

really weird.. follow my thinking:

1. cant be anything in my lock circuitry (actuator or broken wire) because door mounted switch locks and unlocks as it should..

2. doesn't seem to be with codealarm brain because:
A: unlock works as it should
B: when FOB lock is pressed, the fuse box mounted lock relay is clicking, so that tells me that the codealarm brain is sending a valid "lock" signal thru the SJB to the locks relay...

when my car is in garage overnight, fob locks work perfectly. when I leave and I am out in the cold (chicago), they won't lock (but will unlock)

I am stumped!

thanks to anyone trying to help!!

Read my post, I had opposite problem. My aftermarket remote starter was unlocking and locking the car every few minutes. The problem was they tapped to the ground lock wires, and did sh...ty job. The connections corroded and grounded with the body of the car whenever there was snow or rain and the water soaked thru the carpet. The door actuators lock the doors when you press the switch in the door, that grounds the relay from the actuator. In your case it looks like they did not connect properly the alarm box to the OEM ground wires operating the lock and unlock relay.


In my case, also the relay in the "door module" was stuck and kept unlocking all doors.

Lets try a little experiment look at the relays and if you have another in the fuse box that is the same switch them with the lock one. See if the locks work right. if not it could be a relay going bad!
