Will 22's fit on a 94? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will 22's fit on a 94?

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I dont think so. That would be kind of a tight fit. You may want to ask some of the street guys.

20 and 22"s will msot likely fit but youll be runnign ruber bands:D

i know for a fact that 20"s fit and im prettt sure a 22 will fit


You can run 22s with a 285/30/22. If your truck is a 4x4, you might as well forget about it.

Originally posted by Hartman
You can run 22s with a 285/30/22. If your truck is a 4x4, you might as well forget about it.

It is a 4x4 but the 4wd is broken from jumping it and cracking the T-case. How would I remove the 4wd system so its just RWD?

Sorry, forgot to mention. I dont know the first thing about explorers other than how to drive it. I know ricers, thats my speciality haha.

Give me a DSM and Ill build it from the groud up. :cool:

Ok, you're going to have a hard time fitting any aftermarket wheels on your truck because of the front hubs. You need to bore out the center of the rim or convert to 2WD.

I had both 20s and 22s on my old 92, with no prob. They will Fit with low pro tires like 285/30, 265/35, and 295/30, you can even fit 23s with 305/35 tires with some trimming, but finding the bolt pattern would be hard unless you got blanks and a shop to drill them for you

Was yours a 2WD?

And you didn't have any issues with the center cap on the front because of the autohubs?

same boat

hmmm barney you and me are in the same boat, except my 4x4 works. Have you found any 20's or 22's that work yet?

I love seeing cars where the rims cost more than the car itself.

Originally posted by sapogmxr
I love seeing cars where the rims cost more than the car itself.

Oh yes... And when i see cars with aftermarket rims smaller than their stock ones...

Some guy around here put 16" wheels on a Chevy SS, that comes stock with 20"s. It looks rather dumb.


I saw an SS the other day with a camper shell on it.

Re: same boat

Originally posted by Trippa
hmmm barney you and me are in the same boat, except my 4x4 works. Have you found any 20's or 22's that work yet?

No, I actually havent even begun to look cause I wasnt even sure if 20's or 22's would fit on it.

Thats my project now.

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