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Winch Question


Well-Known Member
December 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Decatur, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XL 4x4
I am trying to mount a Warn M8000 on my truck....but I can't see how the solenoid is suppose to mount onto the winch. The instructions say to use the supplied bracket but I don't see anything in the box that would be a mounting bracket for I missing a piece or just not overlooking something?

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I have seen them mounted 2 ways. First way is as you are looking at the winch from the front it mounts to the left and on top of the motor part. I guess it uses the 2 top bolts that hold the sides together and a bracket to the solenoid. 2nd way is above and to the back of the cable drum. Also in some applications like in a bumper you can mount it anywhere you want. I hope this helps.

I was wanting to mount it like the first way, on top to the left in the pictures at warns website....but I geuss the bracket to do that with didn't come with my winch like it was suppose to. And warns website says they are closed till like the 5th. Oh well...maybe I can ziptie it to the grill guard or something till I can contact warn.

Zip tie a winch to the grill gaurd?!!:eek:
