window trouble. took door panel off. found pieces in door. need help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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window trouble. took door panel off. found pieces in door. need help!


Well-Known Member
June 16, 2009
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So i posted a little while ago about taking the door panel off to find out why my window isnt going down. FINALLY after week and half got around to this.

so now this is what i found.
took the door off and pushed motor up and down. pretty much was normal. the window wouldnt move. the regulator would go about an inch but then would stop. i dont know if it was jamming, or if it was just not able to go anymore for some reason. it appeared the top bar pictured here was twisting down though, and thats when the regulator would stop.

the arm extends and then the top part comes down and doesnt seem to want to go anymore.

the next thing i did was take the motor out. took the whole gear out and the bearing, bushing, and plastic gear honestly all seemed to be fine. didnt see any parts laying around. so the next thing i did was plug motor in and see if it would even freely spin. and yup it spun just fine. so at this point im thinking WTHECK IS WRONG! so get it all back together.

Next as im putting it together i notice something in the door. so i looked down and well i found what appeared to be a part of the window track. it was just laying in the door. pictured below
there was also that weird bolt with threads on it.

This appears to be where the bottom of that piece of "track" goes

This is where it "clips" into the top.

from what i see there isnt a spot to actually bolt the piece of track in.

So my question is. what the heck do i do? Do i just say lets replace teh regulator? is there a new piece of track i need? any help at all would be fantastic. cause i really dont want to take this to a shop. but if it comes to that i may.

You might need to take the other door panel off to see exactly where things go.

after reading that i do agree that indeed the track is broken off! my think is the little metal bracket that attaches to the door is broken off and still attached to the door. should i buy a new window chanel bracket?

but this still doesnt quite solve my issue of... why doesnt the window go down?? it has to be the regulator is what im thinking. its rusty... but it seems to not be bent or anything. guess im just confused
