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Windshield washer fluid

What do you use for your windshield wiper fluid?

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-20 blue juice.

So long as it doesn't freeze, and it cuts through the road grime, I don't give the washer fluid much thought beyond keeping it full.

Liquid, the solid stuff doesn't spead out quite well.

Seriously now, I prefer the blue stuff, as temps reach -40 here switching between summer/winter becomes a waste of time for me.

I hate the teflon stuff, or the pink stuff, as I notice they stain a light colored exterior sometimes.


Orange Rain X- I can spray it in the rain, it rinses off, and I don't need my wipers. Easier to use than the regular Rain X. In the winter- normal blue goo.

Summer: regular blue stuff

Winter: Prestone Windshield De-Icer

I use Rain-X Bug Remover Windshield Washer Fluid all year long; no iceing worries here.

blue stuff.

I very rarely use it. As a matter of fact it would not surprise me if I still had some of the origonal fluid.

Water works just fine for me:thumbsup:

Orange Rain-X

I'm using the regular blue stuff right now but plan on trying the orange rain-x once I run out.

Whatever stuff is the least $$ in the summer, in the winter whatever says 'de-icer' or '-20' that is the least $$:D

I use Rain-X Bug Remover Windshield Washer Fluid all year long; no iceing worries here.

Does it actually help remove squashed bugs?

You know what its been years since i have tired any of thiis stuff maybe i will try the Rain-X Bug Remover Windshield Washer Fluid

Whatever is cheapest. I have some of the rain x bug remover stuff now and it doesn't seem to do much though by the time i notice in the morning that there is bug guts on my windshield it's often cooked in. No need for rain x in AZ only rains like twice a year here.

Orange Rain-X and blue stuff mix, whatever i have. It doesnt matter much.

water works great for me,
I go through 2 gallons a week living on a dirt road and with all the bugs in Florida.

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I use whatever is at the gas station. As long as it can withstand really cold temps, I use it. For bugs, I just use my glass cleaner and clean the window by hand.
