Windshield Wipers Stopped Working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Windshield Wipers Stopped Working


Active Member
August 17, 2007
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I got another issue with my 93 Explorer. The wipers stopped working. I can hear the motor hum when I turn them on, but the don't move. If I move them manually, they return to the down position? I would think that if it were the motor, this would not be the case. If it is the motor, can I swap out the rear wiper motor?

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That would be the wiper motor, and no, the front and back motor are not interchangeable. If the motor is humming, it means it is trying to work. You may be able to take it out, disassemble it and clean and re-grease everything. It may be the brushes are just worn down to nothing. I haven't seen any rebuild kits for the wiper motors though so you will be better off replacing it.

At a guess, about $65 but check your local auto-parts stores

Sorry to thread hijack coalkickin...but i have an 01 explorer and i'm having a similar problem...for starters its 24 degrees F today and my car was covered in light snow...i starte the car and let it idle for about a minute and made sure the wipers were free of ice and when i turned my wipers on they came all the way up and stopped...i turned the wiper switch to the off position but every 30 seconds or so they will try to go back down but they will only move a couple inches...they worked fine yesterday...what could cause this?

got it figured out...pulled the wiper linkage cover on the drivers side and my linkage was covered in solid it off and it works like a charm... :thumbsup:

WIPER Pittman arm "CLIP"

I had a problem with my wiper motor & went to the trouble of replacing it before I found it was the ground, [see thread] for details. BUT I lost the CLIP that secures the Pittman arm to the Pittman, TWICE [drop it down past tranny into snow cause my hands were cold] but only found it once. Went to the dealer to get another one.."WOW" THIS "CLIP" A SMALL PIECE OF TIN, SMALLER THAN A DIME , 1/5 THE WEIGHT, MIGHT COST FORD .10 CENTS A HUNDRED,WANTED $24.00 FOR ONE WENT TO THE WRECKERS & GOT ONE FOR THE PRICE OF TAKING IT OFF..."FREE" I`ll find it in the spring & ask $5.00 & it will be a Want install info....E me

make sure your wiper motor has a good clean ground, sounds like it may be corroded. Even if cleaning the ground doesn't work it's another thing to try and it costs nothing, that solved a similar problem on my '91 :dunno:

Having a very similar problem in my 2002 Explorer. I replaced the wiper motor with no results. All of the relays and fuses are good, and according to the continuity tester I have (looks like an icepick with a wire coming out the other end) I am getting electricity in the 12-pin plug to the motor. The wipers and washer do not work, and I have absolutely NO idea how to begin to check the wiring, since I cannot see where any of the wires go. There's so much 'stuff' packed in the engine compartment, I can't visually track the wiring.

There is no clicking, no reaction in the motor, no noises, no nothing.

I am literally at my wits' end trying to figure out what this could be, and not being a mechanical-type I don't really have any idea where to even begin to look.
