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Winter Washing?

Just thought I'd see how everyone else keeps their truck clean in the winter months.....Do you wash it yourself, or take it to the local car wash?

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Unless it is unseasonally warm out, mine goes to the car wash...

Ditto. Usually a drive through type.

I have a hot water tap in my garage to clean vehicles during winter :D.

you're pretty lucky. I usually let the lot tech at work wash mine, but I prefer to do it myself

i take mine to the self wash bay at the gas station,
i use the wand on all the parts,,, after washing i use the air from the nozzleto blow off the surfaces, than i open all the doors and windows, and wipe down all the rubber seals, so they don't freeze the windows and doors shut,, i also wipe the top few inches of the front windows as when you close the front windows there is water on the edge that goes into the window seals,
than , drive it a bit to get all the water shook off and blown off the rest of the surfaces,

Car wash, and lots of towels to wipe down the jambs, weatherstipping as corkey does, under the liftgate, the rear glass, and the hood. I also spray down the underside from the pit at work with a water displacer before winter starts. No idea if it helps, but I've heard it does. <shrug>

I have a utility sink near the walk out door in the basement. It has one of those spouts with the theaded end. Just screw on a hose that's run outside and turn on the warm water. As far as drive throughs, I'd rather have a sister in a ***** house then use one of those.

I get my sister at the ***** house to do mine for me.......

Usually I pick the warmest day each week to do mine. Warm water in the bucket and rinse with a hose the the drying begins. Inside gets completely done every weekend.

We get a lot of salt up here when anything that closely resembles snow falls so I normally hit the underside and wheel wells with the pressure washer at the car wash a day or two after any rain or snow.

i work part time at a truck wash (lol...) so i wash my truck every few days in the winter. this is what i do...

soap everything (surprise....), blow off, brush everything, blow off, acid wash everything, blow off, rinse with wax (i drown the truck with wax), then rinse again!

its been unusually warm out here in philly so i just washed mine yesterday. wash, clay bar, scratch x'd, 2 coats of wax, tire shine. Meguiars. 4 hours. Done.

I have a utility sink near the walk out door in the basement. It has one of those spouts with the theaded end. Just screw on a hose that's run outside and turn on the warm water. As far as drive throughs, I'd rather have a sister in a ***** house then use one of those.

Almost makes me wish I had a sister!! I concur, it may be cold out but h-ll would have to freeze over before I drive my X through a car wash. I have known people to have their vehicles damaged in them and their is zero recourse for you. Beauty of fine print. Damaged antenneas, mirrors, scratches and such. Plus they don't do nearly as good a job as human hands, most miss trickey spots then you look like a goof driving around with a dirt streak up the middle of your lift gate. :p

depends on the situation. if I am in a hurry drive thru, but I don't fit very well anymore. if I have time or a lot of **** on it, I go to the do it yourself bays.

Mine goes through the brushless wash bay here in town. It does a good job for $6. I try to keep it clean in hopes to avoid rust.


i never go through car washes or those pull in car washes because their brushes usually have dirt and other crap from other peoples cars still in the brushes nd stuff and that scratches your paint. :mad: so yea i only handwash mine in the driveway. the paint looks brand new pretty much all the time because im a neat freak..... but anyway that is all gonna change when i get new tires aka 31's.:salute:
