Wired Keypad Entry Questions? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wired Keypad Entry Questions?


New Member
January 22, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Newcastle, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Explorer XLT V6 4X4
I own a 05 XLT v6 4x4 and one of the things that didnt come stock with the truck was a driver door keypad entry...
its really annoying to see what feels like every other explorer on the road has one..
soo, I went to salvage and got a door window seal plate with the pad on it and took it home with the wiring that runs to the clip in the door and proceeded to install..
the first thing I did was remove the door molding and hooked the wiring to the existing wiring on the door and then to the new keypad...1 hour later, It's still sitting there and cant get the damn thing to work.. I have the original card with the keypad number that was in my explorer when I bought it, but there is no telling if that card actually refers to the number belonging to my truck, besides the point, I had no response out of the keypad at all it didnt light up or respond to anything...is the wiring at the door that bundles into the rest of the door wiring supposed to be there and actually ran to the security moduel or is it just dummy wiring...do I need to plug something else in else where or maybe a fuse I overlooked needs to be put in place for power to run to the wiring?

I just wanna be able to leave my damn keys in the truck and not carry them around....and yes I know for about 85$ I can go to ford and buy a stick on keypad, but honestly it looks nothing like original and I would rather choose a hard wired option anyway... Please help
