wired sound subspention maybe ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wired sound subspention maybe ?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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1999 sport
When ever i go over bumps kinda slow i hear this sound. I don't know how to describe it. It only does it when i go over bumps slow and at an angle kinda with one side goes up and the other down. The only think i could say it sounds like is a low and short "errr". What should i look for or how to trouble shoot this one im really stumped.

It sounds like it is possibly the sway bar bushings that are creaking. You could try greasing them or just replace them. When you drive over bumps at an angle the sway bar tries to fight this type of suspension movement and this extra stress on the bushings could be enough to make them make noise.
