Won't start, drained a brand new optima | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Won't start, drained a brand new optima


New Member
February 5, 2009
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City, State
Bennington, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Limited
We just bought a 2000 Explorer Limited. The guy said that the battery was dead so he couldn't start it. Well, we took his word for it and bought it anyway.

Here we get it home, and try to start it, it makes a weird noise, does the clicking thing and of course won't start. We bought a brand new optima battery and put that on it, two days ago, and now it's dead (we're talking a $200 battery going dead in just 48 hours????!!! THANK GOD THERE'S A WARRANTY). We've been working on it little by little and so far have replaced the crankshaft sensor as well. OH and bought a camshaft sensor, but they gave us the wrong one.

It's getting fuel, the pump is coming on, the inertia switch is intact, everything seems to be ok as far as that goes. He looked in and said that the motor was turning, the crank was cranking etc. It just won't start.

We've come to the conclusion that something is draining the battery and a separate problem is causing it not to start. We're towing it to the repair shop tomorrow, but wanted to see if anyone else has ever had or even heard of something like this. We're trying to get out as cheaply as possible so if there's any ideas that others might have, please let me know ASAP.

Thank you in advance!

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...There is a thread on here on How to check for a parisitic drain....I would do that first and locate what is staying on to kill the battery...My thought is, what ever has the short will be the item to replace...:dunno:

Welcome to this forum! Did it drain from sitting or from trying to start it unsuccessfully? Does it have an alarm system? It might be malfunctioning, causing it to drain the battery, and killing the ignition. Do you have a working PATS key? Check this link for more information: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=234975

The drain came from sitting, we only tried to start it to check out certain things after new parts were installed, or basically to troubleshoot.

It does have the PATS, as well as remote start and alarm system.

If it's the alarm system that's killing the ignition, would we still have spark like we do? There is spark, the fuel pump is going, etc.

I will check the aforementioned parasitic drain thread out and try that as well.

It's on the trailer ready to be towed to the shop so maybe we could save ourselves at least some of the expense.

Thank you and anymore ideas would be greatly appreciated.

...This is from the link that BB posted for you..;)

..."The PATS is not compatible with aftermarket remote start systems, which allow the
vehicle to be started from outside the vehicle.
These systems may reduce the vehicle
security level, and also may cause no-start issues. Remote start systems must be
removed before investigation of PATS-related no-start issues."

you need to go back to basics. First, as you mentioned, check fuel and confirm with a pressure gauge (tobe sure). Next simple check is the "check engine light".... does it go out during cranking???? If it doesn't then you have a timing problem. If it does, then you need to go deeper ... what engine is in this vehicle? As far as your drain, doesn't sound good, probably a shorting wire, you probably need to start pulling fuses to stop the drain and then analyse which circuits are involved.

He tried pulling fuses and relays already, come to find out that was one of the first things he did.

The check engine light goes out when I was trying to crank.

It's a 4.0 V6 SOHC engine. It's also just a 2WD.

I was thinking that it might be the after market remote start, but it's got the PATS key down in the box thing (I only have ONE key to the vehicle, the other one was used for the system). If the remote start and alarm and everything is relying on the original key, how would it be that system then?

I'm supposed to meet my fiance around noon today since he's taken off with my baby in tow already (I fell in love with this vehicle the moment I saw it....NEVER has that happened to me before...this is the FIRST vehicle that I've ever picked out, and bought on my own without anyone giving me any input...and I'm 28 so it's kind of like my first car to me).

Hopefully the mechanic can figure it out and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg (since my fiance works for Lowes and they take all of their trucks there for servicing and repair they are going to give us a discount if they have to do something major, if it's just a little thing causing it they are going to tell him what to do and have him do it so we don't have to pay labor costs..seems fair to me).

Thank you guys for all in the input, I will keep you updated on what is going on so that others might be able to use this information in the future.

No real word yet as to what's going on. They do know that there's no compression going on and they are hesitant to say without further investigation, but preliminary findings are pointing to the timing chain. He said it wouldn't be a quick fix and it would be expensive, but I'll have my explorer up and running pretty soon.

How expensive can these things get? Is this a pretty common issue? What can I do to prevent these things from happening in the future?

Thanks guys!

He tried pulling fuses and relays already, come to find out that was one of the first things he did.

The check engine light goes out when I was trying to crank.

It's a 4.0 V6 SOHC engine. It's also just a 2WD.

I was thinking that it might be the after market remote start, but it's got the PATS key down in the box thing (I only have ONE key to the vehicle, the other one was used for the system). If the remote start and alarm and everything is relying on the original key, how would it be that system then?

I'm supposed to meet my fiance around noon today since he's taken off with my baby in tow already (I fell in love with this vehicle the moment I saw it....NEVER has that happened to me before...this is the FIRST vehicle that I've ever picked out, and bought on my own without anyone giving me any input...and I'm 28 so it's kind of like my first car to me).

Hopefully the mechanic can figure it out and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg (since my fiance works for Lowes and they take all of their trucks there for servicing and repair they are going to give us a discount if they have to do something major, if it's just a little thing causing it they are going to tell him what to do and have him do it so we don't have to pay labor costs..seems fair to me).

Thank you guys for all in the input, I will keep you updated on what is going on so that others might be able to use this information in the future.

I'm sure you know this now but never take someone's "word" who is selling a vehicle. As for the PATS system, in most cases all you need to do is remove the inline fuse for the aftermarket remote start. The problem with these is they are most often very cheap! If your battery is draining as well I'd almost bet there is a short in the remote start system draining both your battery and causing starting problems.

No real word yet as to what's going on. They do know that there's no compression going on and they are hesitant to say without further investigation, but preliminary findings are pointing to the timing chain. He said it wouldn't be a quick fix and it would be expensive, but I'll have my explorer up and running pretty soon.

How expensive can these things get? Is this a pretty common issue? What can I do to prevent these things from happening in the future?

Thanks guys!

Depends on what they find, if it's just the chain they could charge you anywhere from $500-$1,500. Whenever they have to pull other parts off to repair something else expect your repair costs to multiply.

If it's anything to do with the timing chain then whoever sold it to you flatout lied their butt off. It's not like the timing chain just fell off while it was parked somewhere. I'd still look at the remote start for the cause of battery drain.

SOHC's most common problem.... lots of posts. Most are not good. Since you have never seen / heard it run, its tough to say but check sohc posts to get a feel.
