Would i mess it up if i did this? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Would i mess it up if i did this?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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If i had a small bazooka tube and my 2 kicker c 10/amp running off the same H/U both wired with Y connectors would i mess anything up. Just got the new alpine and don't want to mes it up. i would have a 3 way switch so only one would be on at a time

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I would have the B tube hooked up separate from the 10s they would just shear the same rca cables to the back and the use a Y connector just wanted to know it the Y connectors would make the 10's sound crappy.

Wouldn't mess anything up other than sound like crap. Make sure the Y connectors don't ground out on the body also.

You wont mess anything up but it wont sound nearly as good. This is why. As you probably know, the RCA cables are carring the signal to the amp. If you spit that signal you are now taking part of the signal away. Thus, making the signal less strong. The amp's may not pick up on some of the bass signals needed to make it sound good. You could try it, maybe you won't notice a difference, maybe you will. If you don't like, just undo it.

Well i hooked it up. Found out the amp had rca in and out but one of the in would not work. So i hooked the amp up with the 4 high inputs like i had b4 and the Btube with the rca cables. Hooked the wires to a 3 way switch. Btube doesn't have that great of bass but it sounds kinda like if i had some good door speakers so im happy. It will work till i get a cood amp and a remote so i can turn it down.
