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Yeah another shackle question


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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04 EB V8
I swapped my AAL leaf springs with 2" lift springs. Now the rear is 1" lower then the front. These were new leaf springs & supposed to be lifted 2" over stock. I guess they were not a full 2". So I know shackles give about 2" of lift. But can they be drilled or modded in some way to get only 1" of lift?

I got my good ride back. It was just way too bad with the AAL. Will the addition of shackles change that?

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i would say that drilling a new set of hole's would be ok, but the war's are going to only give you about 1.5in. lift. so after a month or so of driving on your new springs they would settle and that 1.5 would be right on for you.

the warrior shackels give about 1.5"...if you are really shure about that 1" think about the universal shackels from auto zone...note they are not as strong but they are adjustable, and many people here wheel with them without trouble.

The WAR153's suppossedly give 1.5 inches of lift, but really how much lift they give depends on the body type (i.e..) a sport will get more lift than a 4-door) and also how much weight is carried in the back on a normal basis. Gear and a big heavy spare will weigh it down and give maybe 1 inch of lift. Combined with the lift springs, the rear will probably wind up just slightly higher than the front.

If you bought new springs that were 2 in. lift springs, and they aren't lifting it close to 2 in. (seems more like 1 in.), I'd say take 'em back for replacements before spending more dough. If you bought them at a shop, you could drive over and show them the height difference, or take photos if you bought them online or something. A company that stands behind their products or the products they sell will replace them immediately if they obviously aren't giving the amount of lift they said they would.

It would be a MAJOR PITA to return the springs. I'd have to uninstall them & then ship them back UPS at my expense. Shipping would be around $50. So it doesn't make much sense to me. I called & complained to the mail order place I got them & they are giving me a small refund.

Thanks for the responses, Looks like the normal shackles will work. I could live with it. I measured the ride height before & after the springs went in & now i'm 1" shorter. Still looks fine, but I worry as the springs settle & sag I'll look like I'm driving on a permanent incline.

go with the warrios shackles..once your new packs settle youll be i always liek a slight rear rake which you may hav..IF nything
