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Calico May 14+15 - Anyone interested?

3 words Stic-o...B-F-H :p

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Here you can see what a good job I did :(


Window fits :D


with a gap.... :rolleyes:


You can also see the boxed section, which is goning to make it a pain

Anyway to stick something in between the quarter panel to pry it out at all?

Acually I was thinking of use a jack some how from the inside. :rolleyes: Then I may have to drill a hole in that box to get the dings out. I'm mainly consened about getting the window to seal again though :(

I still have to figure out whats up with my engine too, it's runing weird, like somethings out of balance :rolleyes:

Thanks to all for letting me hang out with you, even though I was on a dirtbike. It was a great b-day weekend, cold refreshments, good food and spending time with friends.

John, those pics do that little situation you had the jeep in no justice at all.

Good pics from everyone, now just waiting to see the video from the trip :D .

Hope to beable to join you all in Big Bear sometime early this summer.

Stic-o said:
Acually I was thinking of use a jack some how from the inside. :rolleyes: Then I may have to drill a hole in that box to get the dings out. I'm mainly consened about getting the window to seal again though :(
Looks a lot like mine was after the rollover. :( I think you're trying a little too hard to be like me. :p
To fix it I used the stock jack and a bit of wood between my tool box and the body and just kept playing with it till the window sealed and called it good. Just take it slow so you don't tweek the box section worse than it is. (don't push on the box section itself, push on the pinch welds above and below it)

EDIT: Here's an after pic showing how straight I got it again. (and a view of the jack) my before pics are all too dark.


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Oh, and I went to do my wheel bearings yesterday, and they came out easily with a hammer and punch. Took me a whole hour to do the bad side. :rolleyes:

Jefe said:
Oh, and I went to do my wheel bearings yesterday, and they came out easily with a hammer and punch. Took me a whole hour to do the bad side. :rolleyes:
I just realized that you truck was there in spirit last weekend. I have one of you old tires as a spare that you gave to Mark. :)

I just realized that you truck was there in spirit last weekend. I have one of you old tires as a spare that you gave to Mark. :)
LOL Also, My BL is on Stic-o's Rig. :thumbsup:

In a way I'm glad it wasn't there. . Its fun to be spotting and taking pics. Much more relaxing when its not your rig in danger too. :p

Next time I'll be prepared for Gatekeeper though. :eek: :confused: . . . :bounce: :bounce:

Jefe said:
Next time I'll be prepared for Gatekeeper though. :eek: :confused: . . . :bounce: :bounce:
I think I'll need a wristed arm before I try something like Gatekeeper.

I meant to ask you while we were out there. How much did your Deaver leafs run you? And what were your specs?

I meant to ask you while we were out there. How much did your Deaver leafs run you? And what were your specs?
I told them I wanted stock height springs (with SOA) able to handle the extra 1000 lbs of tools, tire carrier, etc. They charged me their custom price (~$600) and sent me standard 2" lift springs. :rolleyes:

So do you like the way they ride and flex? Soft enough for yours beign a daily driver?
definitly soft and flexy. . I actually wish they were a bit stiffer on-road, but in the washes they're great :thumbsup:

I had some on my ranger in 94 but that was before they were popular and just starting the custom market. I'm very familiar with Nationals though. I'll look into it. They are only a 20 minute drive from my house.

Thank you sir. :)

Jefe said:
Next time I'll be prepared for Gatekeeper though. :eek: :confused: . . . :bounce: :bounce:
Read between the lines - (Stealth Run on the way back from Moab :cool: it's maybe ten minutes from the freeway!)

I just realized that you truck was there in spirit last weekend. I have one of you old tires as a spare that you gave to Mark. :)
I hope that's not one of my old tires, Jeff! :D

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RangerX said:
I hope that's not one of my old tires, Jeff! :D
No, I don't think so. . .Only my spare was left from your set (the others were so bald even Colin didn't want them :p )

Its a MT KM isn't it colin? Bills were pre-KM
