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SMORR 2012 Photos & Trip Reports

Im beginning to wonder if maybe it got bumped all together. It is a little dissapointing but what can we do

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I'm pretty confident that it will run. This month's issue didn't have any trip reports, just product reviews and tech. Maybe they didn't want to run an Explorer trip report in the same issue they chose the Jeep Cherokee as SUV of the year ;)

I've been disappoint too! I keep waiting to get a call from my son when he gets home from school telling me that the Bronco II made the cover! LOL. Can't wait to see what photos he runs and what he writes about.


I think we've been bumped for good. I got my April issue of Fourwheeler and we still aren't in there. Ken never contacted me to to tell me we were going to be bumped again, so my hopes have faded.

What a drag......

So I got my latest FourWheeler in the mail yesterday and once again we aren't in it. Depression is really starting to set in.



We're in:bounce:

Pick up the June issue of Fourwheeler Magazine our article starts on page 44 and is three pages long. Congrats to everyone whose rig appeared in print.

Only 13 months after the run... in magazine time ;)

FINALLY!! Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see it! My mailman didn't bring my issue today :(


Looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great memories everyone>
