Who knows about Suzuki Samurais??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who knows about Suzuki Samurais???


Well-Known Member
October 1, 2006
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Arizona and Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT 4dr
I have been looking at a Suzuki Samurai that one of my dad’s friends is selling. I don’t know what year it is but it looks late 80’s. It is also a hardtop. At the moment it is not running:( . It will turn over but wont start. The engine has really low miles on it and the owner thinks it may be an electrical problem:rolleyes: . In three weeks I am going to go check it out again and assess what’s up with it. Its an AZ truck so not too much rust.

They have really small engines and I will need a car that does OK on the highway. I will have it in Denver and may be occasionally driving it to Arizona. I also plan on Offroading but mainly my DD. My explorer is for that. For all you Samurai guys, are they worthy for highway travel?

I am also curious about what the weak links are on these cars? Are they easy/cheap to fix? I may plan on a shackle lift on possibly more capable off road tires to start with.

I will get a few pictures soon…. I am new to Suzukis so any knowledge would help.

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JDraper also had one..

Nice, thanks. They are not very common but I hear hood things about them. I will try to get those pics soon :)

The start and no run could be ANYTHING.

The engines are about 56 hp, and weak. You would be crawling up the hills in Colorado, and the idea of driving one cross country - noisy.

I dont like them stock but they can be pretty sweet.


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yep that looks like an all around soa and shackles(maybe 1-2 inc bodylift...)...about $100 bucks for 7 inches...the 1.??engine is a slug with anything over like 31s tho...

I owned one for several years. Check my photo gallery for pix of it. They are a great offroad vehicle but suck on the road. No power, wind blows 'em around easily, not exactly full of creature comforts. NOT a vehicle you want for a dd anywhere but on dead flat roads. They are very easy to work on and modify, and pretty durable.

Bottom line. GREAT offroad vehicle, but don't make it a primary driver...that's why I sold mine. I couldn't stand driving it on the road any longer.

I have a friend with a sidekick--
He calls it the "humvee"

It is bone stock-and has made it up the riverbank where only one other truck (a blazer with 6 grand in mods) has gone. In fact he made the trail with it.

A month ago he was down there and hit a log on end-it went under the hood, but the little thing keeps going.

I do agree with burns, they do look pretty bad a$$ lifted. I am concerned because the reason I am looking for another vehicle is so my explorer is not my DD. However I am NOT getting a rice burner and everyone has j**ps. I will get some pics soon for you all.

Does anybody know what you can do to the 1.6L to "beef" it a bit? What mods work good with those tiny engines?

Does anybody know what you can do to the 1.6L to "beef" it a bit? What mods work good with those tiny engines?

Stock engine 1.3L, 8v.

You can easily do a 1.6/8V swap, and usually it passes smog easily because visually they are the same. This increases the HP from about 68hp to 90-95hp.

Next step up is a 1.6/16V swap. This is more difficult, because it doesn't look like the old engine at all, and uses a more complex wiring harness.

Engine HP climbs to the 100hp range.

Last, you can also do a 2liter conversion, BUT.. It's not smog legal in many states. HP goes to +125HP, and it's a blast of an engine (you could actually out run some of those ricers with it). Difficulty, well, if hardcore engine work scares you, I wouldn't touch it.

And if you really want a screamer of a Samurai....

Super Sammy :D

The one i posted pic of has a chevy 4.3 in it.

Alright, I finally got some pictures. Currently it is not starting but I haven’t gotten a chance to check it out. It looks like it might be a fun project. Now, I have not acyually seen it in person but in a few weeks I will. Personally I like the soft tops better but the hard top would be more secure.

Are these things carbureted?



A friend of mine had one for a long time- like others said, no power, suck for highway driving. It was tough as nails though- they ran it off in the river a few times by accident. Completely submerged- they drug it out, drained the fluids and refilled it drove it some more.

He ran stock size mud tires- usually "high traction" it went like crazy in the mud- its basically a four wheeler with seats side by side.

I have seen a 350 V8 Sammy on 35's- very cool :thumbsup:

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Hey!! Were in this together!! or at least you and my brother. We're picking up a Samurai this weekend. Same color as yours, same body style just more rust :( ahaha
