Full Interior LED Conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Full Interior LED Conversion

Alright well I've converted my Instrument Panel to LED

Converted HVAC Controls to LED

And also converted Dome light, Map lights and Cargo light to LED

(Picture taken at 8pm when it was completely dark outside)

...Though i do have a question wanting to put LED behind the rear windshield wiper defroster and control, though I'm not sure where to wire them up so they're on when the other interior lights come on (ex. HVAC, Window switches, Cruise control, and instrument panel) which pins do I need to use, or am I just gonna go at it with a multi-meter?, oh also converting Window/lock and cruise buttons to LED and maybe the headlight switch though not sure yet?...

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Wow, that is awesome. I want to change my light to all red, but I'm scared to take apart the gauge cluster. Nice work man...

nice, which type of bulbs did you use in your cluster. when i did mine i followed MustangP51 threads, and this site http://www.cardomain.com/ride/296394/1. you can click on the link in my sig for the door switches, and in my write up i have all the links to do the rest of your truck. just make sure you read the complete write up.

that's freakin' incredible. i did it with the dome lighting, but your dash and controls have me sooooooooo wanting to know how you did it

Would you mind sending me a link to the ad for your SMD LEDs you bought for the cluster?

I also did mine, but the light pattern is horrible now, and sometimes some of the LEDs on the bulbs will literally flash and whatnot, I got some cheap-o bulbs appearently LOL.

Thanks for the link man, and thanks! :thumbsup:
Did you have any fitment issues? I know one of the bulbs by the volt gauge was very hard to fit in

Thanks for the info, ill be ordering those SMD's in the next week or so.

Did you ever get the wiper controls and whatnot? Im not gifted in the areas of soldering and all that, but I really want my Wiper/Fog/Defrost buttons, 4x4 switch, headlight knob, and cruise buttons done lol

Same ones as posted

and yeah briandye, I got the defroster, and wiper controls, and cruise done

How'd you do them? Would you possibly wanna do mine for me if I shipped them to you? If so how much man?

Pics from Iphone looks a little pink but it is indeed red.




I like red, but having red gauges would make me feel like I was driving a Pontiac haha. It looks like you have the same problem I do, the dim volt gauge, but mines only intermittent (sp?) Because of the cheap-o bulbs.

Has anyone done this on a 3rd gen, namely '03 - '05?

BrianDye- How hard was it to get the green film off to convert these to red? It's freakin awesome! Personally, I think I would do either white or blue.

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Haha that was "capp" that did his red, I just quoted and said that having them red would make me feel like I was driving a pontiac haha.

I didnt do anything to mine to make them blue, besides the white SMD LEDs, but thats only for the 95-97. 98-? will come out green
