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Test Drivers Wanted

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I had just typed my name and they seem to be fine with it.

Has anyone heard anything back yet? I sent my waiver, address etc, last week, but have not yet heard back about when I should be expecting the EPC.


Me Neither, maybe they're doing all the sorting or whatnot

Me Neither, maybe they're doing all the sorting or whatnot

EPCs are on the way via UPS ground. We were hoping for Wednesday or Thursday last week, but our coordinator actually shipped the first batch on Friday, so they should be arriving today or tomorrow to most locations.

Wonder how long to get up here to canada???

Ok, thanks for the info Albert, its greatly appreciated, Take care.

Got mine tuesday. It will go in wendsday. Any one else?

Got mine tuesday. It will go in wendsday. Any one else?


To answer the other question, the coordinator was given 24 parts total... 19 in the first group plus another 5 on Friday of last week. I don't know how many participants we've got signed up yet, but the coordinator [or I] will post a note when we've got all we want.

I just received mine a couple minutes ago and its 1:45pm now.

Just got mine today while I was traveling, It will need to wait until after Thanksgiving. I want to install the EPC pressure gauge before I install this so I can monitor the situation closely. It looks very well made :thumbsup:

Here's a few shots for comparison. The stock EPC has the silver body the BW one has the dark body.


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Got mine today in the mail. I will probably be installing sometime this weekend.


hoping for UPS to run today...didn't receive anything yeaterday.

strange; for a package from north MS to get to central MS, it has to go to Memphis, TN, then to Jackson, MS & then it might make it to my location...lol

Nice pictures, and thanks for the compliment.

The black coating on the case is "black oxide." We use it on some steel parts to prevent corrosion during storage, although the oil from our calibration and test process is usually more than enough protection.

For now, the plan is to keep the filters as they are. We kicked around the idea of making them red to make the part look more like the OE brand, but to keep things simple, we decided to stick with what we had.

For now, the plan is to keep the filters as they are. We kicked around the idea of making them red to make the part look more like the OE brand, but to keep things simple, we decided to stick with what we had.

white.. red.. :dunno: makes no difference to performance, I will be very anxious to test this out and see how it performs.

Waiting for mine also. I was a little late on sending the waiver back, I think I sent it on Monday...

received mine a few days ago...will be installing it tomorrow. is there a write up or anyone have any suggestions on how to do install? i have dropped the pan to replace the filter before, so that is not a problem, i was just kind of wondering where it is located.

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