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Cabin fuse box location / access

lol.. this thread just highlights the stupidity of the engineers that designed the location for the panel that houses "user replaceable fuses"... I mean come on. I've never had a car that I had to bend my body 3 different ways to find the panel, and another 2 ways to actually be able to replace a fuse on.

Why isn't this panel under the plastic piece on the left side of the dash? There is plenty of room in there and you can actually access it without being a circus actor.

I feel sorry for anybody that is over 6'2", or over 250lbs... cause there's almost no way they are going to be able to get into a position to identify the correct fuse and pull it. And if they do, getting it back in is going to take a miracle.

I know!!! The fuse box placement must have been part of the engineering group that developed MFT!! :)

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The picture helped me tremendously. I was looking in the wrong place and at the incorrect angle. The box is on the far left (looking as if you are driving) behind a bundle of wires and parallel to your body up against the left side of the vehicle. You don't have to get on your back, just your right side looking toward your left.

I found fuse 29, fired up the SUV and now everything is working again.

Thank you again harlenm. You saved me hours of silence in my 7 hour drive back home and now the wife won't be pissed off anymore about the SUV :D

If you look up under the peddles to the left, along the side of the car, you'll find it. Here is a pic, a little blurry, but you'll get the idea.


The picture helped me tremendously. I was looking in the wrong place and at the incorrect angle. The box is on the far left (looking as if you are driving) behind a bundle of wires and parallel to your body up against the left side of the vehicle. You don't have to get on your back, just your right side looking toward your left.

I found fuse 29, fired up the SUV and now everything is working again.

Thank you again harlenm. You saved me hours of silence in my 7 hour drive back home and now the wife won't be pissed off anymore about the SUV :D

If you look up under the peddles to the left, along the side of the car, you'll find it. Here is a pic, a little blurry, but you'll get the idea.

Glad I could help.

i had similar problems as everyone else with the mytouch system, so i disconnected the negative battery lead for a few minutes and restarted. everything works fine now. in the future i'll search for the fuse box (thanks to this forus, i finally know where it thanks to the owner's manual), but in a pinch you can try the battery.

i had similar problems as everyone else with the mytouch system, so i disconnected the negative battery lead for a few minutes and restarted. everything works fine now. in the future i'll search for the fuse box (thanks to this forus, i finally know where it thanks to the owner's manual), but in a pinch you can try the battery.

If MFT is not frozen you can do a master reset. See this thread


Where is cabin fuse box?

Where is passenger fuse box? The manual said under and to the left of the steering column and by the brake-I cant find it. 2011 Ford Explorer

Where is passenger fuse box? The manual said under and to the left of the steering column and by the brake-I cant find it. 2011 Ford Explorer

You and me both. I hear its a pain to find, but I spent 5 minutes looking all around the break and up under the steering column and couldn't find it. Might have to start removing trim pieces.

Ok Found it on my 2012. There is NO way I can get to it. I'd have to remove the break peddle just to get my head in a position to see what I'm doing. It looks to be a mile behind a trim piece, do you have to remove this?

Fuse box

No trim pieces have to be removed for the 2011. Great prior thread. Put seat all the way back. Get a flash light and put your head in front of the break pedal. Shine your light up and towards the exterior of the car right above a couple electrical plugs. Very small panel. Pull the cover and grab the white pinchers off the inside of the lid. I found the hardest part is reinstalling the tiny fuse after you pull it. Good luck.

This is what I see laying on my back.


This is what I can barely see with my head on the break pedal all the way forward.


If this is the same for the 2011 as it is MY2012 then I'm going to ask the dealer to do it because there is no way I can get a flashlight and my hand to see what I am doing up in there. I am hoping that the last piece of black trim in the first photo is new on the 2012s and that I'm not just missing some sort of acrobatics that I need to know how to do.

I wanted to get to the fuse box this weekend to install a radar detector, my 2012, has the trim piece pictured... there are two small bolts that hold it in place with a plastic push on, on the left side, if you remove the bolts and pull it gently off the plastic push on, you will have easier, but not easy access to the fuse box...

It's a poor design, what if you had to change a fuse and didn't have any tools to remove the bolts etc, plus it's in a terrible location...

The drivers seat track will dig into your back, you should put a towel, or something soft over it to help with that...


I think my dealer has a pet monkey that they've trained to work on the fuse box.:D:D

The fuse box location on the ex is one of the poorest I have seen.
My 2005 passat wagon has a removable plastic cover on the side of the dash panel were all the fuses/relays can easily be accessed.

Thank you! You just saved me a trip back to the dealer!

I have a 6 month old 2011 Explorer and the Sync 8" screen just went DEAD. No radio, temp, backup camera, etc. I could not find the stupid fuse box until I saw your picture. To the left of the steering wheel and down, yeah real easy to find! Try adding 'up under the dash behind a clump of wires'

At least they give you a fuse puller inside of the lid that just pops off! Pulled fuse #29, popped it back in and VOILA! Radio static. It did a quick 'Sync downloading scheduled maintenance' reboot and the Sync screen is working again. Many thanks!

Just wanted to add my 2 cents. The fuse box is located just sightly up and to the left of the plug above the yellow sideways 'A' in the picture. And for more free info, the white sticker with the bar code shows your driver's side door code (changed to 0's for the pic).



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Thanks for all of the posts to this thread. I have owned many different cars before, but this one has the most ridiculous placement for a fuse block! I kept thinking that it had to be behind a removable plastic panel. But, NOOOO. You have to be a contortionist with great eyesight to see it! I had to pull fuse 29 to reset the SYNC screen which was locked up in the NAV mode. It is working again after the hard reset. You all saved me from a trip to the dealer (... in a city I am visiting, no less).

Thanks for all of the posts to this thread. I have owned many different cars before, but this one has the most ridiculous placement for a fuse block! I kept thinking that it had to be behind a removable plastic panel. But, NOOOO. You have to be a contortionist with great eyesight to see it! I had to pull fuse 29 to reset the SYNC screen which was locked up in the NAV mode. It is working again after the hard reset. You all saved me from a trip to the dealer (... in a city I am visiting, no less).

Next time just disconnect the battery. It's much easier to do.

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I've searched these forums and google and I still can not find my fuse box. I keep seeing "below and left of steering wheel near the brake pedal"... I do not see anything except for 2 screws that that are holding a large black panel together, which goes up to the steering wheel. I would like to pull the sync fuse in hopes of sync behaving correctly.

Don't feel bad ..... I had the same problem ..... My son crawled under the dash and found it for me, but seriously ............. I need a wrench and flash light to replace a fuse in an emergency? What a load of crap ............. Just as well write these new vehs off when you have a problem with them as you cannot locate a damn thing any longer!:roll:
