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That is sick! A nice set of wheels/tires really makes these Explorers look so much better.

Yeah I'm pretty happy with it. Truxxx lift kit, wheels and 265/75/16 Pro Comp MT's perfect combo.

Stang_01, looks great. Kinda reminds me of my setup for some reason lol. Where in Cali are you?

Im from the Nor Cal. Bay area.

I was actually inspired by yours.

Im from the Nor Cal. Bay area.

I was actually inspired by yours.

Oh ok, I was gonna say if your in so cal we should meetup sometime and do a ps or something. If your ever down here hit me up!

And thank you! Glad I helped out!

stang_01 love the name, no ****. used to have a hot lil 2001 stang gt, nicked the silver bullet. smoked every ricer in town.
now i got my 2008 sport trac

all stock, got a month ago. 2wd 4.0 xlt. mods gonna happen, cant ever leave any rig stock. let yall know as they happen

Yeah I miss my stang. Two kids would have been tough to stuff in the back, not much room. LOL

Yeah I miss my stang. Two kids would have been tough to stuff in the back, not much room. LOL

no kids, but i know that all too well ha. nice X btw! want to do much of the same to mine

Nice ST, someguy! She's beggin' for some mods! haha My Exploder is pretty much stock as well.

Stang01 Can you give more specs on the wheels? , i have the exact same color explorer as yours but i'm lookin for a polished wheel instead of black. Thanks

Nice Ride!

Nice ST, someguy! She's beggin' for some mods! haha My Exploder is pretty much stock as well.

thanks willied. im itchin for some mods for her too! first up, painting all the damn chrome interior pieces. for 1 i HATE chrome, 2 crap blinds me when drivin in the sun. then an adrenaline grill and headlights. presto, no more chrome

Stang01, that thing is awesome! I have the exact same color scheme as yours.

How is the handling, performance, and mileage with the lift and those wheels on the road? I am really interested in your setup and any feedback would be appreciated.


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