Help! I want to lift my truck! | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help! I want to lift my truck!

A set of Monroe 58617 will bring the arch back into your leaf springs, and I bet once they are installed the rear will be 1.5"-2" higher than it is now with the shackles alone.


Thank you! I'm going to look into this

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What can I do to add lift in the front end besides a torsion twist?

Just like i said lol that picture i had 31s and measuring for 37s so se 3 inches there then three inches straight across from there equals. 6 inches which makes 37


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That and a body lift. That's about it without spending lots and lots of money. Your other option is a 4" Superlift (which is almost impossible to find) that will run you about $2000 or so. It's the only suspension lift made for the STs. The next option is for hardcore offroading and is a solid axle swap. That takes lots of knowledge and experience though and will run the average person much more than that $2000 for the Superlift.

A Superlift won't work for you because your Trac is 2wd, you can get lift spindles for the front but to fi the tire size you want and get the look you're going for would be to keep what you have and ad a body lift.

I wish I knew how much and what kind of lift you had on it before you joined the site because the height of the truck right now is higher then the usual 2" TT and shackle lift. They don't make a 2" body lift for the Trac so that's really throwing me off. Can you take and post pictures of the front bumper cover lower opening and the body bushings? This will show if it has any kind of body lift on it.

A Superlift won't work for you because your Trac is 2wd, you can get lift spindles for the front but to fi the tire size you want and get the look you're going for would be to keep what you have and ad a body lift.

I wish I knew how much and what kind of lift you had on it before you joined the site because the height of the truck right now is higher then the usual 2" TT and shackle lift. They don't make a 2" body lift for the Trac so that's really throwing me off. Can you take and post pictures of the front bumper cover lower opening and the body bushings? This will show if it has any kind of body lift on it.

Yes I will take as many pictures as possible because I'd really live to know as we'll. I talked to my mom on thanksgiving and asked her about it and she said the mechanic who did it for me put it on for free and ordered the kit and we just paid him for the kit which was over 200 less than 300 but I'm gonna take pictures and hopefully we can figure it out!

If I'm going to replace my shocks do I need to replace them all? How many are there? In front and rear?

Whoops missed the 2wd part. You should replace all 4 shocks at the same time.

Yes replace all four shocks at the same time, most of us go with a Rancho 5000 (usually on sell for $40-50 each) great all around shock. There are four shocks, one on each corner of the truck right by the tires.

Yes replace all four shocks at the same time, most of us go with a Rancho 5000 (usually on sell for $40-50 each) great all around shock. There are four shocks, one on each corner of the truck right by the tires.

Ok cool!

Where are the body bushings exactly? So I can take pictures for you

I would advise against 16.5" wheels. It will limit the tire choices for you.

I would advise against 16.5" wheels. It will limit the tire choices for you.

I'm like so stuck because I finally decided I am going to get new tires instead of used ones so if I am going to spend that much money I want to get the ones I really want. I don't know if i should get 33" tires or 35" but I don't have a big enough budget to get new wheels.

Any suggestions?

The rover tires you linked and the Rocky Mountains aren't bad tires but for the same price range I would get the best tire (General Grabber AT2's in the second Treaddepot link I poste). Also if you have a Walmart near you go check out a tire they sell made by Goodyear called "Authority", it's an awesome tire and pretty cheap from what I'm told by my friends that have them.

Most of us go down to 15" rims because wheels and tires are so much easier to find and a ton cheaper.

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Most of us go down to 15" rims because wheels and tires are so much easier to find and a ton cheaper.

ok i'm gonna check all of those out. I can't change tires myself so I need to have tire kingdom or firestone do them so i have to add that in the cost and over all my budget is about 750 including mounting ect.

I think i'm going to look into the walmart ones you talked about and the ones off ebay
