Keyless Entry (Securicode) Door Pad Not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Keyless Entry (Securicode) Door Pad Not working


New Member
June 18, 2014
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2013 Explorer XLT
SECURICODE keypad has never worked!

I bought at 2013 Explorer in August of 2012 and from my first attempt to use the keypad code on the door it never worked. Since then time has gone by, life has been busy, I never took it in to get looked at, and now here I am out of warranty and it is still not working! :(

It lights up, locks itself when I touch the numbers too many times (like it is supposed to do) and even let me add a new personal code to it from my touch screen in the vehicle. Yet STILL, neither code works, it does not lock, it does not unlock, nor does it open lift gate.

It just lights up, stares at me, and laughs.


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Welcome to the Forum karebear865.:wavey:
Well for one thing, it doesn't open the liftgate, even if it was working correctly.;)
Did you use the method from the Owner's Guide to try and lock it?
Pressing 7.8 and 9.0 at the same time?
I assume that you do have the factory code correct? I wonder if you were given the right one by the dealer. You can try and confirm that by checking the area above the emergency (parking) brake up near the fuse box. There should be a white sticker with a bar code and numbers.



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Thanks Peter! Dang, I read that some have the liftgate opening feature too (but mine has never worked to be able to confirm this!) lol

But yes, I have the correct factory code (and the org card too) and I know this by having to enter it from the setting screen correctly before it will let you enter your own personal code as well. If you enter it incorrectly it will not let you put in a new personal code.

Also, yes. I have read this manuel backwards and fowards, watched the videos, etc so I know I am doing it correctly. *sigh*

Perhaps you should send a private message to Rebecca (FordIVTteam) to see if she has any suggestions.
I don't think a Master Reset would help or a battery disconnect. She may be able to shed some more light on this issue. You can use this link to PM her;
When you PM, be sure to include your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership in your message.


Keypad woes...

I had the same issue, but mine is still under warranty. I've owned and played with these for decades, in fact I have a 25 year old with the system, so I know them inside and out. I tried every trick I could think of without success. I even stumbled across the code that worked every time... Unfortunately it was the same button 5 times. The factory code never worked nor did the one I would program thru MFT. The dealer spent about an hour with the car and returned it as now fixed.

They gave me the code which was the same buttons as the factory code, however the tech just used odd numbers. I indicated O.K. that is the factory code I have. The tech disagreed and indicated he had no idea where I got that from but xxxxx was the code! It was a funny conversation pointing out that code 13579 is EXACTLY the same as code 24680. The tech was miffed even tho I went out of my way not to insult him.

Anyway, I went to the car and after about 5 tries, I got the code to work. They came out and were wondering if there was a problem. I indicated it worked, but I must need to learn how to push these buttons as I am struggling to get it to work. I have been able to get it to work about 1 in 7 - 10 attempts. Further the code I entered thru MFT has only worked once.

I think the keypad itself is defective. I recommend you try the same number 5 times and just go down the line to see if that does it. If it works you will need dealership help to correct that. From there make sure it works each and every time before leaving the dealership. It may save you a return trip!

Just curious as to which of the two numbers is the one shown in the place I indicated in post #2 ?



You didn't think I would actually post my real code, did you? LOL. Neither of the codes in my post were on the module which matches the card with the manual. However the code the tech gave me was the same as the factory code only he used the odd number when the code shows even numbers.

Good point. I understand now.:)



Well, I tried entering my factory code a zillion times on a zillion different occasions and still nothing.

I have not taked it to the dealer since it is just out of warreny (38,000 miles) :(

So do you have any idea what this would cost me?

I think you're exaggerating a little. A Zillion times, really. I would have stopped counting at a Billion.:D
Are you able to lock the vehicle using the 7*8, 9*0 keys pressed at the same time? That should show whether or not the keypad is working at all.


ok, maybe a little...ha ha!

No, it will not lock or unlock. BUT, it does light up. That's all it does.

Take it to the dealer. I had the same problem with mine and it was defective. They replaced it. Works great now.

As ctmhou suggested, I think it is a defective pad. It isn't communicating with the vehicles system. That is why I wanted to know if you could lock the doors with it.


ok, maybe a little...ha ha!

No, it will not lock or unlock. BUT, it does light up. That's all it does.

Hi karebear865,

As others have suggested, it sounds like it's dealer time. Additionally, I'd like to push this up the line to your regional customer service manager. To make that happen, PM me your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership. I'll do the rest. :thumbsup:


Just to chime in, I had the exact same symptoms. Told the dealer about it when I was having some recalls performed. They replaced the keypad unit and it has worked brilliantly ever since.

I recently started having a problem with the keyless entry door pad on my 2013 explorer. I noticed on a rainy cold night that after pressing the code 5 times, the doors would not unlock, The truck went into lock out mode with keypad flashing. After trying it another 5 times, same thing. Finally after waiting five minutes and returning and trying it twice, the doors un locked. Intermittenly, it will not open on the first or second attempt of inputting the code. If anyone has any solutions or can point me in the right direction, TSB on this? please advise.

Are you wearing gloves when attempting to open the vehicle?

Are we to assume you don't have your key to open the door when you are having keypad problems?

I'm having a similar issue, my code has to be entered twice every time. Had it checked out while in service and they said the pad might have to be changed out. The tech couldn't figure it out and was going to look on the computer for some factory info about the problem, but I haven't heard back yet. Funny thing was it worked on the first code entry for about a week after that but it's back to punching twice again.

I recently started having a problem with the keyless entry door pad on my 2013 explorer...

I'd suggest making an appointment at your dealership, jzcop; I know they'd be happy to unlock this issue for you. What's the current mileage on your Explorer? I'll research some ways to help.

I'm having a similar issue, my code has to be entered twice every time. Had it checked out while in service and they said the pad might have to be changed out. The tech couldn't figure it out and was going to look on the computer for some factory info about the problem, but I haven't heard back yet...

Any news from the dealership this morning, Kfoss1? I'd be happy to look into this as well - how many miles do you have on your Explorer?


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Thanks Crystal, haven't heard back yet. I'm off this coming week so I can swing by and see what they found out. I have a little over 12000 miles on my X.
