Non A/C conversion question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Non A/C conversion question


Elite Explorer
May 29, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Colorado Springs, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer Sport
So i'm getting ready to remove my factory A/C in my 93 Ex. It doesn't work and I never need it, so I figured I would get rid of it.

My main question is about the vacuum line that goes into the canister/cylinder thing on top of the current A/C box. How should I go about capping this vacuum line off when I put the non A/C box in?

Is there anything else I need to watch out for when removing the old A/C parts? Anything special that needs to be done?

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If you're talking about the line that runs to the thing that looks like a submarine/torpedo, that's a vacuum reservoir. It's likely hooked up with a check valve and a tee that simply goes off engine vacuum; the tee may go to the blend door (I forget). Either way, on a non-AC application a vacuum reservoir is still useful.

If you need any pictures or reference from a factory non-AC model let me know. Mine never had A/C.

Yes that is what I was talking about! Thanks for telling me! Yes it does go to a check valve and tee. And I think it might go to the blend door. So I guess I'll just keep it and bolt it to the firewall somehow.

An Explorer with non A/C from the factory!?:eek: That's the first time I've heard about one! If it's no big problem, reference pics would be absolutely fantastic!

An Explorer with non A/C from the factory!?:eek: That's the first time I've heard about one! If it's no big problem, reference pics would be absolutely fantastic!

Yup, very low option 94 I have. Power nothing. Not having AC makes it very easy to work under the hood, lots of room.

Pics attached; I'm in the middle of a battery cable replacement so several parts are out of the way.


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Sorry for the inverted pics, my phone and the forum uploader must not get along.

Just a idea for ya. I took out my ac and in place of the ac i made a bracket to mount a second alternator and put it to a second batt. For sounds and lights and now if my main alt. Fails i can move two wires and run everything off my secondary. The bracket for the ac bypass isnt much less than a alternator.

Just a idea for ya. I took out my ac and in place of the ac i made a bracket to mount a second alternator and put it to a second batt. For sounds and lights and now if my main alt. Fails i can move two wires and run everything off my secondary. The bracket for the ac bypass isnt much less than a alternator.

What amp alternator are you running for primary and secondary? I know at some point I'm going to upgrade to a 130 amp alternator, but I like the idea of running a secondary. I'll have to look into doing that. If you don't mind could I see some pics of your setup?

A second alt, that's a good idea! Maybe could be set up for a trail welding rig too. Also have heard of people using the AC bracket to mount a York compressor for onboard air compressor.

I have a 130A alt and love it. Put one on my Bronco too, as they are interchangeable (despite what the parts store computer says).

I will get some pics tom. And im running dual 130. They are in no way connected to each other. Two seperate systems. I run my sounds lights and i put two cig ports in the rear for them and one dc/ac convertor in the rear. So if im in the middle of no where listening to musicor using a electric hot plate and it kills my batt truck starts off the original system and im not screwed. And its nice for bonfires.
