Rear hub replacement 2007 advance trac explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear hub replacement 2007 advance trac explorer


Well-Known Member
August 14, 2015
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City, State
Meridian, Idaho
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 XLT V6
has anyone replaced their rear hubs on their 06-10 explorers? I'm pretty sure my rear right bearing is bad, squeels a bit. First off, is their much of a difference between the 2002-2005 models versus the 2006-2010 models when it comes to removal and installation? I seem to have found a bunch of you tube vids for the 2002-2005 model explorers but none for the newer of that generation. Also I'll more than likely take the parts to a machine shop to do the pressing portion but I do have a 12 ton shop press. Would that be strong enough to remove that bearing if I did it my self? Any info anyone can offer me on a rear hub replacement for the 07 explorer would be much appreciated.

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06-10 design is much simpler than 02-05. 12 ton press should do the work. I have done number of them on my 06 and I would just take the knuckle to a shop and have it pressed for $ 50.
On 06-10 all you deal with are bolts to remove the knuckle.

Ditto that. No ball joints to mess with - just bolts. In a way, the parking brake assembly can be the hardest part of the job.

Thanks guys, that's what I wanted to hear. I'll probably just take it to a machine shop and let them do the hard stuff if all I have to deal with is bolts and the e-brake.

Thanks guys, that's what I wanted to hear. I'll probably just take it to a machine shop and let them do the hard stuff if all I have to deal with is bolts and the e-brake.

I am brand new working on my own vehicles and I successfully did this. I found the e-brake to be the most difficult part until I figured out you could just push the mechanism out the back without removing the cable. That made it much easier and the brake still works so I don't think I broke anything.

I had a few bolts that were stuck pretty good but nothing particularly difficult. I also took the knuckle to a shop and had them press it.

And the trick is to reassemble the ebrake on the knuckle with the new bearing before bolting the whole thing to the car. Sounds obvious now, but the first few times, I was doing the ebrake after I had the knuckle on the car already.
