Steering wheel controls | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering wheel controls


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
I want to figure out what wires are used for steering wheel controls so when I do get my new radio I can finally use my steering wheel controls. All the threads I read are ancient.
Thanks Flash

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Usually if a radio supports steering wheel controls, you can purchase an adapter to make it work with the factory wiring. Just plug it in ang go.

Usually if a radio supports steering wheel controls, you can purchase an adapter to make it work with the factory wiring. Just plug it in ang go.
I read somewhere that our steering wheel controls are built in to the plugs so you really can't use those.

Yes, that is why you have to buy an adapter.

Yeah the harness instructions should be vehicle specific and tell you which wires to use

I've bought that little box it has a few dip switches in it select the correct ones bam steering wheel controls work they are vehicle specific

I've bought that little box it has a few dip switches in it select the correct ones bam steering wheel controls work they are vehicle specific
I'll probably go and get that one
